Chapter Three

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"Have you found anything?" Jefferson asked after a bit of searching. Serena sighed, having found nothing that even looks like a clock. They had been searching for almost thirty minutes and The March Hare was going to be returning any time now.

"What do you think?" She countered, turning her head to wherever he was. He rolled his eyes and continued searching, pocketing any gold he found as well. "Do you have any idea what this watch looks like?"

"I don't pay attention to what it looks like, I just find stuff and bring it to whoever pays the most." He shrugged, grabbing a random object. Rumpel would have a field day with all this. He chuckled to himself, thinking of how much Rumpel would be able to accomplish with this stuff.

"So, you just go to random places and steal, having no clue what the thing you're searching for looks like?" She questioned, throwing something past her shoulder. It made a clink sound as it hit the floor, joining the pile of random stuff she had thrown.

"Pretty much." He answered. "Now hurry up, we don't have much time. And stop making a mess." He grabbed another piece of gold and stuffed it in his stash. She rolled her eyes and turned around, noticing an odd looking spinning wheel.

"What's this?" She wondered aloud. She looked closer, feeling like something was pulling her towards it. She noticed words engraved on the wheel and bent down to read it. "Those who steal from the owner of this wheel, shall pay the ultimate price." She read it as Jefferson came up behind her.

"It's probably nothing." He said to get her attention. She nodded and stood, moving away from the wheel towards him. "C'mon, we need to go. The March Hare will be coming back from hunting soon."

"Okay." Was all she said as she followed him to the door. Before they could reach it, the doors burst open and a man with red hair and a hat with rabbit ears came in. Several guards came in behind him as well. "I thought you said we weren't going to be running from guards."

"I did, I thought he was still going to be out hunting." Jefferson countered, grabbing Serena's arm and turning around to run in the other direction. "Besides, is this really the time for sarcasm?"

"You tell me!" She yelled, trying to keep up with him. "I doubt you haven't ever been sarcastic to guards." From what she had heard the whole way there, he had been sarcastic for every question and encounter with anyone.

"Please, tell me this isn't the first time you've run from guards."

"Do you remember how you met me?" She questioned, following him into a random hallway. "I was literally trying to get away from my sister's guards. I think that counts as running from guards."

"Guards that weren't trying to kill you."

"With how I annoy them, I'm surprised they didn't have arrows." She responded, thinking back to all the times she got on The Huntsman's nerves. He was always like a big brother to her so he would usually tolerate her childish nature.

"Are you serious, Serena?" The Huntsman asked as he entered her chambers with a less than pleased look on his face. "That dog belongs to the royal hunters." She was sitting in her bed, with one of the hounds in her lap.

"He was getting tired." She shrugged, pulling the dog closer." His name is Stark." He sighed and shook his head, knowing there was no way she was going to let go of the dog, especially since she named it.

Or the time she ran off while visiting a village.

"Serena, where are you?" The Huntsman muttered, trying to find the princess that had run off. They were leaving for the summer palace when they had stopped at a village. He looked away from her for two seconds and she ran off.

We're All Mad Here (Jefferson x OC)Where stories live. Discover now