Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Years later, Jefferson and Serena ran through the woods, trying to find somewhere to hide. Neither of them remembered how long they had been running, but they were already out of breath.

"There!" Jefferson pointed out a tree stump to Serena and ran behind it, pulling her to his chest. She rested her head on his shoulder, breathing in the cold morning air. He checked to make sure they weren't followed before softly kissing her forehead.

A moment later, the sound of footsteps caught their attention. He held his breath as he waited for something to happen.

"Mama, papa, I found you." Grace beamed as her parents smiled. She was now ten, and had grown up to be the spitting image of both her parents.

Jefferson chuckled as Serena stood up, pulling him up with her. "You certainly did." He told her with a proud smile. "You must be part bloodhound, my dear Grace."

"I think that was our most intense game of hide-and-seek yet." Serena joked as Jefferson walked over to the girl.

"Now mama and I are going to hide and you seek." Grace giggled as Jefferson bent down to face her.

"I'm afraid playtime is over." Jefferson frowned with a sigh. "Though you can still use that nose of yours, to hunt mushrooms. Enough to sell at market tomorrow. You think you can do that?" Grace nodded eagerly as Jefferson smiled, standing up. "Ready or not, here we come."

"Alright, you two." Serena smiled as Jefferson walked over to her. "Let's go. We've got a lot of work to do before tomorrow."

"Yes, ma'am." Jefferson pulled her in for a kiss before Grace interrupted with a gagging sound. They both laughed at their daughter and started walking towards the edge of the forest. They stopped when they saw Regina's carriage outside their house.

"What is she doing here?" Serena asked, looking over at Jefferson. Regina never came to visit, making it very clear that she didn't approve of Serena and Jefferson's life together. Grace didn't remember her and Serena never talked about her, wanting to spare Grace from knowing exactly how bad her aunt was.

"Mama, who's carriage is that?" Grace asked, looking up at her parents when Jefferson didn't answer.

"The Queen's." Jefferson answered with a sigh.

"In our house? Do you know her?"

"Of course not." Jefferson faked a smile, bending down to look at her. "Now, listen carefully, okay? I want you to stay hidden in the woods. Like our game. I'm gonna find out what she's doing here. Your mom will join you in a minute, but you have to promise not to come out until I come for you."

"Okay." Grace nodded and ran into the forest, leaving her parents alone. Serena sighed as Jefferson watched Grace leave.

"I'll go talk to her. She's my sister..."

"No. It'll be safer if you stay here with Grace." He said and walked over to her, running his hands up and down the side of her arms. "I'll handle it." His hands moved up her arm to the back of her neck, pulling her in for a slow kiss.

When he pulled away, she sighed. "Be careful. I don't want her to turn you into a toad. That would be really gross."

"You'd love me either way." He smiled, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead.

"Yeah, but I prefer you like this." She smiled as he gave her one last kiss before walking towards their house. "Be safe." He nodded with a smile and walked towards the house, getting the attention of the guards.

As soon as he was out of sight, Serena dropped the smile and started towards the forest to find grace. She should've gone with him. Regina was her sister, she should've dealt with her. But it was too late now.

We're All Mad Here (Jefferson x OC)Where stories live. Discover now