Chapter Seventy

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After falling for what felt like hours, Jefferson landed hard on the ground. He groaned and looked up, seeing Scarlett standing over him with an eyebrow raised. He pushed himself off the ground, groaning as he did.

"I thought you were supposed to be a great thief." She smirked as he dusted off his clothes. It took him a moment to get the dust off, despite the fact that the floors were perfectly clean. They were also marble and the walls were draped in velvet.

He rolled his eyes. "I don't usually jump through portals, sorry if I don't land on my feet the first time." He finishes dusting off his sleeve before looking around, seeing a circle of doors around him. "Where the hell are we?"

"The Room of Doors." She answered. She turned to him, seeing his eyebrows raised as he gave her a look that clearly meant 'Really?' She sighed and looked around, raising her arms. "What did you expect me to call it? The Door Room?"

"I don't know." He shrugged and looked around. "What do we do now?"

"Well...." Her gaze swept over the room before she turned to him with a smile. "Pick a door."


"Pick a door."

"Alright." He sighed and walked over to a random door, examining closely before moving to the next one. He did that for every door until he ended up at one with a green curtain and gold trim with the letter 'Z' on the front. "What's this?"

Scarlett follows him, stopping behind him. "That would be Oz. It's a strange land with flying monkeys and an Emerald City."

He nods, pushing back the curtain to see the land behind it. "Wow... I'm gonna pick this one." He turned to see her with a smile on her face.

"You won't be disappointed."


Once they were outside, David held the torn up hat in his hand, pouring the potion all over it as Serena watched. She was confused, but it would help her find her husband so she wasn't complaining.

"Are you sure this will work?" She watched him carefully with a sigh.

He sighed as well and set the hat on the truck when nothing happened. "It appears that Rumpelstiltskin lied to us." He looked down to grab his phone that was ringing as Serena kept an eye on the hat, watching as it started to move.

"David.... It's moving." He looked up when she spoke, seeing the hat shaking on his truck before magically lifting into the air. It started flying in a random direction, moving so fast that the two could barely keep up.

They followed it for a few blocks until it turned a corner, landing on top of a car that had been flipped over when the wraith came through Storybrooke. Serena stopped running once she saw the car, immediately recognizing it as Jefferson's car.

She immediately ran towards it, not bothering to wait for David. She felt a bit relieved to hear Jefferson inside the car. "Jefferson?" She bent down, pushing debris out of the way.

David followed, helping her push things out of the way to get to the door. She almost ripped the car door off its hinges, doing whatever she could to get to her husband.

Jefferson groaned as the door opened, almost falling over since he was leaning against. He looked up, seeing David before his eyes landed on Serena. "Princess?"

"I've got you. You're safe now." She smiled, holding his hand.

He looked between David and Serena, taking deep breaths. "Thank you. Both of you." He paused to catch his breath. "No one heard me."

We're All Mad Here (Jefferson x OC)Where stories live. Discover now