Chapter Eleven

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The room was dark around Serena, the only light coming from the flames that were surrounding her. The flames flicked at her skin, leaving burn marks when she tried to get away.

Moving back made it worse as the fire only pushed her to the wall behind her. She used her arms to shield herself from the blaze, but it wasn't much help. She barely dodged as the flames passed her head.

"Jefferson?" She called out, hoping it would somehow get her out of there. The longer she stayed there, the harder it was to breathe. She bent down, curling in on herself as she cried. This had happened before.

She wasn't sure when; her mind was fuzzy, but she still knew that she had been there before. This room, surrounded by fire with no way out. She wasn't sure how long she would be there, it usually lasted a long time unless Jefferson woke her up.

She wished he would wake her up.

"Jefferson!" She called out again. She hoped he would hear her, but she knew it was unlikely. The flames got worse as she yelled for Jefferson as if the fire knew she was trying to escape. The room got hotter as the burns on her arms got worse.

The room felt like it started to shrink, her breathing picking up pace the longer she stayed there. Everything started to spin, the flames circling her as panic rose inside of her.

She jolted upright, the now familiar black and white room coming into view. Forcing herself to calm down, she turned her arm to reveal the burns that always appeared after she woke up. She then ran her fingers across the marks, trying to soothe the pain.

She felt the bed move beside her and a hand resting on her shoulder. She turned to see Jefferson sitting next to her, his hair messy from sleep.

"You okay?" He asked, rubbing his face with his other hand. She nodded, trying to hide her arm from him. He noticed and gently reached out, taking her arm with his hand. "It happened again?"

"Yeah." She answered quietly. He sighed and let go of her arm, standing from the bed that they had been sharing. Victor had another room for her, but after the first night, they thought it would be better if she stayed with Jefferson as comfort for the nightmares.

"I'll go ask Victor if he has any ointment." He told Serena. She nodded, but kept quiet, which didn't go unnoticed by him. "Is something else wrong?"

"No. I'm just wondering why this keeps happening."

"I know someone who might be able to tell me how to stop this, okay? I need to talk to him anyway, so I'll ask him while I'm there." He said, he hated that she was scared to go to sleep because she didn't want to wake up with burns. She nodded and looked away as he left.

Jefferson went downstairs to see Victor sitting in the living room with a glass in his hand. He noticed Jefferson walk in and turned to him.

"Is everything alright?"

"Uh yeah. Do you have any ointment? Serena woke up with burns again." Jefferson answered, rubbing the back of his neck. Victor nodded and stood up, asking Igor to bring the ointment for him. He then walked over to the bar and grabbed another glass.

"Do you want one?" He asked Jefferson. The brunet nodded and joined him at the bar. "How is she?"

"Fine, I told her I would talk to Rumpelstiltskin about helping with the nightmares." He answered as Victor handed him a glass. Victor eyed him curiously, debating whether he should bring up the kiss with Serena.

"Alright, have you told her?"

"No, and I don't plan to."

"Why not? She deserves to know."

We're All Mad Here (Jefferson x OC)Where stories live. Discover now