Chapter Twenty

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The next morning, Serena woke up to an empty bed. She looked around the room, expecting to see Jefferson somewhere nearby. When she didn't see him, she started to get worried.

"Jefferson? Are you in here?" She stood up and looked around, only finding an outfit set for her and a note on the table. She walked over and picked it up, reading it to herself.


I'm so sorry. We can't be together. I just don't love you as I should. I'm truly sorry.

Your Hatter, Jefferson.

Tears formed in her eyes as the note slipped out her hand, landing softly on the ground. The tears slid down her cheeks as she dropped to her knees, the reality that he left settling inside her like sour milk.

As her knees hit the ground, she let out a violent scream, not caring if she was disturbing anyone. She knew it was too good to be true, no one who cared for her like that stayed. He had given her so much, then took it away within a second.

She stayed like that for a while, too shocked to stand on her feet. When she finally regained her balance, she knew there was only one place she could go, but would Regina take her back? She had run off, left for months without telling her where she went.

Regina had every right to turn her away, throw her out and let her fend for herself. She ran away, running away with a stranger for months, expecting to leave with him forever. But what was she thinking?

She had barely known him before she fell in love with him and expected to live a perfect life with him. When she thought about it, she sounded insane. And stupid, but she knew Regina would be able to tell her that later.

Picking herself up, Serena went over and grabbed the outfit Jefferson left out before changing. Of course, he knew what she liked, a deep blue loose blouse with dark leather pants, a belt and a vest to go with it.

As she fixed her hair, she noticed the sapphire necklace on the nightstand. They had left it there before the party since it didn't match with the dress. She was surprised he didn't take it with him, leaving her with nothing.

She picked it up carefully as if it was glass that might break if she held it too long. Tears formed in the corner of her eyes as she looked at it, the memory of when she first saw it in color coming back to her.

They had just gotten to Oz and Jefferson had noticed how beautiful the red jewel looked. He was so happy to see it in color, to see her in color. He could barely keep his eyes off her when they weren't running from flying monkeys.

Serena let out a breathy laugh as she traced two fingers over the gem, tears falling down her cheeks. Putting the necklace in her pocket, she then turned to grab the pendant off the nightstand since she still couldn't sleep without it.

She didn't know how long she would need it, but she hoped it wouldn't be too long until she didn't.

She put it in her pocket and left the room, ignoring any weird looks from people outside. She didn't know how, but she had to get back to Regina. She sighed as she left the inn, walking out into the village.

It wasn't long until she heard yelling and the sound of horses coming towards her. She turned to see Regina's carriage coming towards her, The Huntsman in front of her on a horse. The Huntsman stopped as he saw her, a worried look on his face.

"Serena?" He quickly ran over to her, checking for any injuries. "Are you alright?" She nodded as the carriage stopped and the door opened, Regina stepping out. She stormed over, not seeing Serena with The Huntsman.

"Why have we stopped?" She questioned before her eyes landed on Serena. "Serena?" She rushed over, stopping in front of Serena. She had to pretend she didn't know who Serena had been with for the past few months or else she would get suspicious. "Are you okay? Where have you been?"

We're All Mad Here (Jefferson x OC)Where stories live. Discover now