Chapter Thirty-Eight

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It didn't take long to move into the new house, since the place was already furnished and they didn't have much to pack. The only issues were Grace and her stuff. She had a lot of things from being spoiled for so long.

Then, when they were finally able to get her stuff to the house, Grace was in a bad mood and the only person who was able to calm her down was The Huntsman. He sat with her the whole time until she calmed down, even staying with her after.

Fortunately, that gave Serena and Jefferson some time alone. Ever since she told him her fears about the relationship, he made sure she knew he loved her and that everything was going to turn out okay.

Every day he assured her that he wasn't going anywhere, and he would stand by her side no matter what. She still had fears, mainly with how dangerous his work was. He hadn't left in a while, but she was still afraid there was a chance he wouldn't come back.

"Jefferson, can we talk?" Serena asked, walking into the living room, where Jefferson was sitting with Grace. He looked up at her and nodded, standing from his seat and walking over to her.

"What do you need, princess?" He asked as she led him out of the room. She looked down, ringing her hands as she thought about how to put her thoughts into words.

"Um..." She paused, looking up at him to see the concern in his eyes. "I was just... I was wondering what you were going to do about your hat." She mentally slapped herself for her lack of explanation, knowing it was going to make the conversation longer and more difficult than she would like.

"My hat?" He repeated as a question. "What about it?"

She took a deep breath before speaking. "Are you going to continue to travel the realms for work, or..."

"Princess, I promised you I wasn't going anywhere." He spoke softly, cupping her face in his hands. "I'd rather spend my life knowing you both are safe than risk everything because I can't stay still."

"Jefferson, you don't have to."

"Yes, I do." He shook his head, stroking her cheek with his thumb. "I made a promise, and I intend to keep it. Okay?" She nodded as he pulled her into a gentle kiss. After a moment, they were interrupted by the sound of little feet padding against the wooden floor.

"Mama?" Grace asked, making both parents turn to her. "Can we go play outside?"

"Sure, baby." Serena nodded and walked over, Jefferson following close behind. As soon as she opened the front door, Grace was already chasing anything she could and running around to explore. "Don't go too far."

"I still can't believe that's our daughter." Jefferson beamed, sitting down and pulling Serena into his lap.

"Yep, we made that."

"Hell yeah, we did." He smiled, kissing the back of her neck. They both watched Grace run around, chasing a butterfly that caught her attention. "When can we make another one?"

"Let's take care of Grace, then we'll think about having another one." She told him with a laugh. He nodded and hugged her closer, smiling as Grace held the butterfly. Serena carefully stood up and walked over to Grace, bending down to admire the small insect. "Be gentle. Okay?"

Grace nodded, standing as still as possible before the butterfly flew away. Jefferson watched the two with a soft smile. He had spent a lot of time wondering if he had made the right decisions with Serena. It was moments like this that made all those worries disappear.

"Jefferson, come over here." Serena brought him out of his thoughts. Both of the girls had a mischievous look on their faces as he walked over. "Now!" Grace ran over to Jefferson, jumping on top of him as she erupted in a fit of giggles.

We're All Mad Here (Jefferson x OC)Where stories live. Discover now