Chapter Ten

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"How is she? Did you find anything?" Jefferson asked, barging into Victor's lab. Victor jumped a bit, startled by his sudden appearance. "Please, tell me you found something." They had been trying for almost a month to help Serena and break the curse, but nothing was working.

Victor thought Jefferson would have lost hope after the first few days, but every morning he came in, asking if he had found a cure. It was sweet that his friend cared so much about someone other than himself, but it was still a nightmare when he had glass in his hand.

"Nothing we haven't already found." Victor sighed, taking off his glasses. He wanted to put his next words in a way that would make it easy for Jefferson. He had never seen Jefferson get so attached to someone, but Victor knew that when he loved someone, he would do anything for them. "I don't think there's much else we can do."

"What do you mean?"

"Jefferson, I think it's time we give up." Jefferson took his time processing Victor's words, his thoughts running faster than they ever had before. "Jefferson?" Jefferson nodded simply as Victor left the room.

Tears formed in his eyes as he went over to where Serena was lying on the table. He wanted to save her, to go back and refuse the deal with Rumpelstiltskin, so she would still be living her life as a princess and never would have been brought into his.

"I'm sorry, princess." He said, his voice breaking as he held in tears. "This is my fault. I shouldn't have taken you away from your life, I shouldn't have-" His words cut short as he choked out a sob, wishing he could've done something to help her.

Guilt settled in his stomach the longer he looked at her. He could practically see how pale she would be if there was color in the world. She was normally pale from being in a castle for so long, but he knew she would've looked like a ghost.

He tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear as he hovered above her face. A tear fell, landing on her cheek, which he gently wiped away. "I'm sorry." He whispered before he pressed a soft kiss to her forehead.

He stood up and moved away, about to leave to grab his hat from his room. He reached out to grab the handle, pausing when he heard shuffling behind him.

"Jefferson?" Serena's soft voice made a lump form in his throat. He turned around to see her as she sat up, looking around the room. "Jefferson, where are we?" He didn't answer, only staring at her in disbelief.

"You're awake?" He asked, still shocked. She continued to look around, noticing the world was in black and white. He walked over to her as she finally brought her gaze to look at him. "How is this possible?"

"What do you mean? What's going on?" Her eyes held curiosity and confusion. He paused, not sure if he should tell her about the sleeping curse or tell her it had been some virus she picked up in Wonderland.

"You got sick in Wonderland, I brought you to my friend Victor to see if he could help you." He answered, choosing to go with lie. He didn't want her to think he was her true love. If she knew how curses work, she would figure out that he saved her from the sleeping curse.

"Jefferson-" Victor came into the room, pausing when he saw Serena awake. The girl looked over at him, breaking eye contact with Jefferson. "I think I'll leave you to talk." Jefferson nodded and Victor left, closing the door behind him.

"One question: why is everything in black and white?" She asked, getting his attention. He turned his head to look at her, breaking into a smile. "Seriously, I'm confused."

"I'll explain everything." He said, helping her off the table. "Right now, you need to rest." He guided her to the door, keeping a firm grip on her arm. She opened her mouth to protest, but decided against it, knowing this was probably the only time he was going to be nice.

We're All Mad Here (Jefferson x OC)Where stories live. Discover now