Chapter Sixty-Eight

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Jefferson climbed through the window of the small house, quickly realizing it was bigger on the inside. He figured that out when he was supposed to land on his feet, instead falling a few feet before landing on his stomach.

He looked up, seeing shelves lined up with random objects that he guessed contained magic. The tables were cluttered with even more objects, including globes, maps, and other things that didn't have a specific name.

He pushed himself off the ground, careful not to make any more noise than he already had. He looked around until he saw several carpets, chained to the ground as if they were being held down.

"What the hell?" He muttered, reaching out to touch one of them. Before his fingers even grazed the material, the rolled up carpets pulled against the chain, moving frantically and pushing him away.

He stared at them from a safe distance, confused by the magic at work. He walked away before they settled down, not wanting to be seen near the magic carpets. His eyes moved around, looking at anything and everything.

Chests filled with gold and other jewels were placed neatly in the corner of the room. It seemed everything was perfectly placed, a mix of chaos and class. Everything had a perfect spot, even if it looked cluttered from afar.

Jefferson continued to walk around until he stumbled upon a brown leather box sitting by itself. Unlike anything else in the room, it looked entirely out of place. Like it had been just tossed aside in a rush.

He bent down, running his hands along the leather before reaching the clasp to unlock the top. He unlocked it, flipping open the lid to find a worn out hat inside. He carefully picked it up, taking it out of the box and inspecting it.

"See something you like?" A light accent called from behind him, causing him to jump. He spun around, seeing a man with gold flaky skin standing there with a smirk.

"I, uh..." Jefferson stuttered, placing the hat back in the box. His confidence had run out the minute he realized who he was with. The man that he was stealing from was Rumpelstiltskin. The most dangerous man alive.

"If you're interested in purchasing it, I'm sure we could work something out." He said, ignoring Jefferson's stuttering. "I always was a man with an eye for a deal. What do you think?"

"Well, that is easier than the original plan." Jefferson muttered, standing up to his full height. "What do you want for it? I don't have any..."

"Gold? I know. Fortunately for me, that's not an issue." Rumpel said, stepping closer to him. "I believe you could help me. It may take a while, but there's a certain queen who needs a push towards darkness."

"Why would she need that?"

"My business. So, what do you say?"

"When will I get to take the hat?"

"Right now." Rumpel answered with a smile. "Go on, take it." Jefferson nodded and picked up the box, holding it at his side.

He paused, looking down at the Dark One. "How will I know when you need me?"

"Don't worry, I'll find you." Rumpelstiltskin answered before guiding Jefferson to the exit. Everything was working out. Most would call it meddling, he called it "giving fate a push." Something he was happy to do.

The future had been written and Jefferson's true love would be a part of it. Despite the fact that they wouldn't be meeting for a long time, Rumpel wanted to get a head-start on things.


We're All Mad Here (Jefferson x OC)Where stories live. Discover now