Chapter Forty-Two

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Jefferson walked through the halls of Regina's castle, a deep scowl settled on his features. He didn't care that this was the place his family once called home, it was never like that for him, but he stayed quiet for Serena.

The Huntsman followed him as he walked, deeply concerned by whatever Regina had planned for him. He knew Regina well enough to know this was an act of revenge, if it didn't benefit her in some way.

The guards stopped at the door to Regina's room, leaving Jefferson to face the Queen by himself. He walked into the room to see her facing the open window, seemingly ignoring him as he kept a safe distance from her.

"Jefferson." She greeted him with a fake smile. "So good to see you looking more like yourself. I assume you're here because you've reconsidered my offer. Either that, or you've gotten sick of my sister and decided you want to leave."

"Never." He responded coldly. "She's my wife." He wanted to say something out of spite, every memory of Serena coming so easily because of him making it easy ammo against Regina. He held his tongue, knowing it would end badly for him if he did. "Back to the topic, I want your guarantee that if I do what you ask, my family will want for nothing."

She curtsied, holding her hand to her stomach as she did. She knew about what they had done before he had gotten there. She had been watching him, making sure he would accept her offer. Unfortunately, that meant she had to watch what he did to her sister. "You have my word."

The words felt like acid on her tongue. She would give his family everything. She would give her sister and her niece anything they wanted. She knew how the hat worked, and she knew it would give her the opportunity to get rid of him.

Her eyes drifted down to the box in his hand as he stayed silent. "Now, let's open that box of yours and see what it can do." He set the box down and opened it, revealing the hat that now looked old and worn out. "I do so like a man who dresses for the occasion."

Her taunting tone made his anger rise, but he stayed silent as he took the hat out of the box. As he took out the hat, the familiar feeling made the situation so much worse. He had made so many enemies because of that hat. Including Regina.

The only good thing he got from it was Serena. He was shocked that he had gotten an amazing life after everything he had done. How he had gotten so lucky to have an amazing wife and daughter after he had stolen so much from so many people. He had even worked with The Dark One, being a rather large part of the reason Regina became The Evil Queen in the first place.

He walked to the middle of the room, placing down the hat and giving it a little spin. "Step back." She did as he said, the wicked smile never leaving her face as purple smoke formed around the hat.

The smoke was familiar to Jefferson, setting his nerves on edge. Usually this resulted in him running back to the looking glass, gaining another enemy that would most definitely put a bounty out for his head.

"After you!" He called, trying to make sure she heard him over the sound of the wind.

"Together." She smirked, knowing that was a promise he only shared with Serena. A promise that, if everything went to plan, he would never be able to share with her again. She reached her hand out to him, which he reluctantly took.

"Hold on!" They jumped into the portal before he could back out. He already regretted his decision, wishing he had listened to Serena. He wished he was at home. He used to love the thrill of going somewhere new with more adventure. Now he only wanted to be with his wife without the fear that something was going to go wrong.


We're All Mad Here (Jefferson x OC)Where stories live. Discover now