Chapter Nine

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Jefferson followed Rumpelstiltskin upstairs to Serena's room, hoping to start the deal as soon as possible. He didn't know why he felt the need to save Serena, he had been telling himself that she was a spoiled brat since they met. Now, he felt different about her.

He needed to save her life. He didn't care about her, but she didn't deserve to die. She wasn't evil like her sister, she was kind and sweet. She cared more about people than she did about power.

Rumpelstiltskin stopped at a wooden door, gesturing for Jefferson to go in. Jefferson went in and saw Serena lying on a tiny wood cot. He glanced back at Rumpel before going over to the cot and gathering her in his arms.

"Now, will you tell me what happened?" Jefferson asked, turning to Rumpel. He hadn't explained what had cursed her, only that she was cursed. He probably should've known, it was very obvious. But his thoughts were going faster than his common sense.

"It's a sleeping curse." Rumpel answered. "Very popular, but the only way to cure it is through true love's kiss. Now remember," He continued as Jefferson grabbed his hat off his head and held it in his hand. "If you can't find a cure, you bring her body to me."

"Yeah, yeah. I get it." Jefferson hurried to throw his hat to the ground, waiting for it to start spinning. The portal opened and Jefferson jumped in, holding Serena closer to himself. Rumpel watched as the portal closed, a small smirk playing on his features.

"One day he'll thank me for this."

As soon as he was in the portal, Jefferson ran straight to the door leading to the Land Without Color. He went inside, the familiar feeling of falling sending hope through him. He wouldn't let Serena die, he couldn't.

Even if it meant spending the rest of his life searching for her true love.

He landed on his feet, a rare occurrence since meeting Serena. When arriving in Wonderland, she had landed on top of him. He thought since it was her first time portal jumping, she didn't know how to land. Then she did it again. Even he knew how to land after the first time.

He sighed and ran through the nearest village, getting concerned looks from people passing by. He knew where Victor lived, so it wouldn't be hard to find. Rain started to pour down on him, making the journey even worse.

He pulled Serena closer to his chest to protect her from the rain and ran up to Victor's house. If anyone knew how to help, it would be him. Right? He was a doctor. He had to know some way to wake her.

Holding his breath, Jefferson knocked on the door and waited for Victor or Igor to answer. After a few moments the wooden door opened to reveal Igor.

"Is Victor home?" Jefferson asked, hoping filling his voice. Igor nodded and led him to Victor's study, telling him to wait while he went to get Victor. Jefferson sat down in a chair by the gray fire, pulling Serena's body closer.

She was soaked and freezing, taking shallow breaths as the cold started to get to her. Her hair was dripping water onto Jefferson's shoulder. He tried to think about anything else, but he couldn't stand her shivering.

Not being able to take it anymore, he stood up, gently placing her in the chair before shrugging off his coat and wrapping it around her. He then sighed as he picked her up again, hoping his body heat would keep her warm.

"When Igor said you were here, I didn't think you brought a friend." Victor joked, getting Jefferson's attention. "I wasn't expecting a visit from you."

"I need your help." Jefferson said, walking over to him. "She's under a sleeping curse. I need your help finding a cure."

"I thought-"

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