Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Jefferson woke before Serena, a smile crossed his face as he saw her sleeping peacefully next to him. He moved closer to her, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. She hummed in content, snuggling closer to him.

"Why are you up so early?" She asked, the sleep evident in her voice. Her eyes stayed closed, but her head turned up to face him.

"Just wanted to admire the view." He smiled as her brows furrowed. "You look so beautiful when you're sleeping."

She let out a quiet laugh, burying her face in his neck. "You're ridiculous." She finally opened her eyes, the familiar twinkle shining bright. He had fallen in love with that sparkle over and over again, and he was so happy everything was going to work out.

"Only for you, princess." He pressed a kiss to the top of her head and pulled her closer to him. His hand moved down to her stomach, tracing circles along her bump. "I can't believe we made this, that there's a baby that we made growing inside you."


"Is it too early to say I want another one?" He asked, making her laugh. He looked down at her while she sat up.

"Let's just wait until this one comes out before thinking about having another one." She told him as he shrugged. "Besides I already have you, and you give me enough trouble as it is."

"Oh, you're gonna regret that." He teased, pulling her towards him. He pulled her into a kiss, holding her in place. She moved closer and cupped his face with one hand. He reluctantly pulled away as she stroked his face with her thumb. "I love you, princess."

"I love you too, Hatter." She smiled and started moving away from him. "We should start getting ready. I'm sure Victor already has breakfast ready."

"Or we could stay in bed and cuddle." He suggested, trying to pull her back towards him. She laughed at his attempt and stood up, moving to grab clothes. He let out a sigh as he followed her. "Or not."

She giggled and threw a shirt at him before he could get close to her. "Go on." They quickly changed and went downstairs, meeting Victor in the dining room. "Good morning, Victor." Serena greeted as she sat down opposite of him.

"Good morning, Serena." He greeted as Igor brought plates of food for everyone. Serena thanked him as Jefferson sat down next to her. "Did you two have a good night?"

"Yeah, we slept pretty good." Jefferson nodded, placing a kiss to the top of her head. "Better now that Serena doesn't have to deal with nightmares and burns on her arms when she wakes up."

"That's good." Victor smiled as Serena started eating her food. "So where do you plan on going after this?"

Serena turned to Jefferson. "I'm not sure." They both shrugged, turning their attention back to Victor. "Probably The Enchanted Forest. Maybe settle down somewhere. It wouldn't be a good idea to bring a baby to different realms. Not until it's older."

"We haven't really talked about it." Jefferson laughed nervously. He had been so worried about her that he didn't think about what was going to happen after the baby was born. He knew he was going to be with them, he always would. He promised himself that he would never leave.

"Serena's right." Victor said, noticing the discomfort on Jefferson's face. "It's not a good idea to bring a baby to different realms. Especially with how many enemies you have. You're gonna have to settle down once the baby comes."

Jefferson nodded, shifting uncomfortably in his seat. Serena noticed and grabbed his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.

"Nothing's official." She told Victor with an awkward laugh. "We haven't even gotten married yet." She looked to Jefferson, who turned pale at her comment. He had never thought about staying with someone for too long, let alone marriage.

We're All Mad Here (Jefferson x OC)Where stories live. Discover now