Season Two- Chapter Sixty-Four

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I can't believe I've already finished season one. I have season two planned and it's going to be... interesting.

A young boy ran through the streets of his village, pick-pocketing strangers before taking off just to steal from someone else. It wasn't that his family was poor, they did well for hat makers. But they could always use the extra money and he liked the thrill of trying not to get caught.

His parents never caught on to what he was doing, mainly since his dad was usually at a tavern, hitting on every woman in sight while his mother worked her ass off to keep her business up. And she did well.

If his dad wasn't in the picture, she would be making hats for some of the most important people in the Enchanted Forest. But she couldn't leave her husband behind, despite him never being faithful.

The boy ran home after a long day, counting the money he had stolen. Nine coppers, two silvers, and random buttons that his mother could use for her hats or clothes. He did okay, but he knew he could've done better.

He slipped inside the house, careful not to wake his father, who was asleep in the living room. He ran to his mother's craft room, finding her sewing a lace onto a hat.

"Hi, mom." He greeted, running over to her desk. "I brought you something." He smiled and handed her the coins and buttons.

"Where did you find these, Jefferson?" She asked, holding up a piece of silver. "You didn't steal them, did you?"


She sighed, "Do you know what would've happened if they had caught you? You could've been killed."

"I know, I just wanted to help you." He pouted, knowing she couldn't resist that face. She laughed and put down what she was working on before picking him up and setting him in her lap.

"You're gonna get yourself in a world of trouble if you don't stop." She told him, pushing his hair out of his face. "I want you to be a good man. Not a con artist. So that one day, when you meet your soulmate, you can set up a good life for her."

He fake-gagged at the thought of marriage, making her laugh. "Marriage, gross."

"Just wait till you meet the right person." She told him with a soft smile. "One person can change everything. When you meet the right person, and you know you're head over heels in love, you would give up the world for that person."

"Like you and dad?"

"Not exactly."

"But you gave up everything for him."

His mother sighed, "I was in love with your father. I was very young and I didn't know what I was getting myself into. But... if I had to do it all over again, I would. Because it meant that I would still have you."

"I love you, mama."

"I love you too, Jefferson."


When the smoke cleared, Serena was still hugging Jefferson with her eyes closed tightly. She looked up at him, grateful whatever it was didn't separate them.

"Are you okay?" He asked, running his hands up and down her arms.

She nodded, "Yeah. I'm okay. What the hell was that?"

"I don't know." He shook his head, seeing Snow and Charming hugging each other. He tensed up, knowing Snow would come see Serena to find Jefferson there as well. They spotted the couple and Snow immediately smiled once she saw Serena.

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