Chapter Forty-Five

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Serena and Regina rode through the training course their father had set up, racing each other to see who got there first. Serena on her horse, Willow. And Regina on her horse, Rocinante. Their father, Henry cheered them on, cheering for them when they jumped over a hurdle.

Regina was eighteen, two years older than Serena, who was sixteen. She was just as ambitious as her older sister, sneaking out whenever she could just to upset their mother, Cora. She didn't need to do much to upset Cora, her mere existence upset her.

It didn't matter to her, Regina and Henry were the only parental figures she needed. Regina stepped up with her natural mothering instincts and Henry was an amazing father. They made sure Cora directed her fury at someone else, wanting to keep Serena safe from her wraith and magic.

"I'm gonna beat you, Regina!" Serena called to her, catching up very quickly. Ever since they were young, Serena was always determined to beat her older sister.

"We'll see about that." Regina jumped over the last hurdle before Serena, coming to a stop in front of her father. She jumped off Rocinante with a laugh as Serena stopped beside her. Henry helped her off Willow as Regina joined them. "I told you I'd beat you."

"It doesn't matter who won." Henry smiled softly. "It was beautiful."

"Thank you, Daddy." They both giggled, hugging him close. None of them noticed Cora coming over to them with the stable boy, Daniel behind her.

"Beautiful?" Cora scoffed, getting their attention. Regina instinctively moved in front of Serena, keeping the young girl behind her. "I'd hardly call that beautiful."

"You didn't like it, Mother?" Regina asked, holding onto Rocinante's lead as Serena grabbed Willow's.

"You both ride like a man." Cora insulted them. "A lady should be graceful. You should use a saddle." The sentences were directed at Regina, barely acknowledging Serena.

"We were just having fun." Serena stepped up to her, much to Regina's dismay.

"Well, you're getting a little too old for fun." Cora retorted as Henry put his arm around the girl. "Who's going to want to marry you when you behave like a commoner?"

"Honey, please, leave them alone..."

"Stop coddling them." She snapped, making Serena flinch in fear. As much as Regina and Henry tried to protect her, there were still times when they were helpless to stop Cora from using magic on her. "They're becoming old maids. All the other girls their age are married. I had such high hopes for you, Regina."

"M'lady, perhaps this saddle..." Daniel moved forward, directing his attention to Regina.

"I'm done riding for the day." Regina interrupted with a sigh. "And don't ever interrupt me and my mother again." Cora smiled as Regina handed Rocinante and Willow over to Daniel. Once he was gone, Regina sighed. "Why do you always have to criticize us?"

"I'm not criticizing you." Cora told her. "I'm helping you." Serena shook her head and started walking away with Willow's harness in her hand. "Don't you walk away from me." Cora threw her hand up, using magic to lift Serena into the air.

"Mother!" Regina yelled, running towards Cora. Henry tried to stop her, knowing it would only make things worse. "You know she doesn't like it when you use magic."

"And I don't like insolence." Cora chuckled, tightening her grip on Serena. "I'll stop using magic when Serena starts being a good and obedient daughter."

"Why can't I just be myself?" Serena asked, finally standing up to Cora. "You try to twist Regina into an idolized version of yourself. Then when that didn't work, you moved on to me. Why can't we be our own people?"

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