Chapter 3: First thought about the Ghost King

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"First thought about the Ghost King."

After the feast everyone were gone to their respective quarters. Xie Lian also got inside the ride. Before stepping in Shi Qingxuan greeted him a goodnight. Xie Lian returned the Goodnight and Shi Qingxuan also returned his Place to be with Earth master Ming yi.

Xie Lian got inside and sat in the middle. Mu Qing helped Xie Lian to adjust the Robe because it was too big. After everything settled Feng Xin started to drive the ride. At first the Ride was a bit fast then gradually it became slower. Xie Lian had too many things in his mind.

He didn't know wether to open up or let it stay deep inside his mind. Mu Qing knew something was odd with his Dianxia. He could see the discomfort in Xie Lian's face. Despite the fact he knew Xie Lian wanted to share things with him he didn't speak for Xie Lian to open up. He thought it will be the best to not discuss about this matter here and let it be opened slowly.

Xie Lian on the other hand had many other things. He saw the beautiful trees visible in the moonlight. It was a night of full moon. He enjoyed seeing it. It calmed his mind by sometime. Xie Lian started to think about what passed down the feast this evening.

He felt something in his hand. It was the box. He looked at it and had some thoughts.

'who is this ghost supreme? Why am I the chosen one. Ugh what wrong did i do in my past life that I have to suffer this way with him. When did he even saw me?'

The ride went smoothly on the way.


Xianle palace. 10:30 p.m

Xie Lian was helped by Mu Qing and Feng Xin to Remove his attire. He took a small hot bath before jumping into the bed. He wore a think robe outside. It was white in colour. Somehow it looked translucent. He layed down with his front side on the bed. He took the box with him while laying down. He fiddled with the box.

He kept observing the box as if the box was some venomous treasure. If he opened the box some curse might be spelled to make his life a living hell.

He opened the box slowly. His slender fingers were trembling. He slowly opened the lid.


It opened. It had A shining necklace with a precious stone at the last. It was magnificent. It looked as if the lights radiated the whole room with its splendor light. Xie Lian was amazed by it. He never thought Ghost kings would be so considerate in choosing the perfect gift. He thought maybe the ghost Supremes aren't that cruel.

Xie Lian got the necklace in his hand. It was still shining brightly. Xie Lian thought maybe this is something special and has some certain uses. Xie wore the necklace in his neck and went to the mirror to check how he looks while wearing it.

Xie Lian was having a little hope that this ghost king might not be bad as he thought.

Later he felt tired and went to sleep directly.


Paradise Manor. 11:00

"Was the box delivered to the heavenly realm?"

"Yes, Chengzu it was delivered to the heavenly realm."

"Great. You may go now."

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