Chapter 17:🥢🍚 Feeding Gege

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"Feeding Gege"

10:00 p.m

"Gege say ah" Hua Cheng was ready with his chopsticks to feed Xie Lian. He made sure that the food was not hot because he blew air on it before serving Xie Lian. He was really caring for Xie Lian. He positioned his hand near Xie Lian's face.

Xie Lian looked at him and ignored him at first. "No need, I'll eat myself." Harsh words came from Xie Lian's side.

"Gege please, take a bite..!" Hua Cheng showed his puppy eye.

Xie Lian sighed and opened his mouth slowly. Hua Cheng's eye lit up with sparkles. He fed him for the first time.
Xie Lian nomed on the food and chewed it completely before taking it in. His face was still pale.

"Gege... I'm sorry.." a very low tune of apology came from Hua Cheng. It was genuine and very regretful. He was ashamed of himself for letting Xie Lian see whatever he had done earlier.

"Hm.." Xie Lian didn't say anything. He looked away. Hua Cheng was very sad because of Xie Lian's response.

"Gege try this... I made it specially for you." Hua Cheng handed over the mantou (meatbuns yeah) plate to Xie Lian.

Xie Lian instantly looked at the plate after getting the slightest smell of fresh mantou. Saliva dripped down from Xie Lian's mouth. Hua Cheng chuckled.

"I knew gege would love this." Hua Cheng smiled.

"Thank you....
San Lang.."

When Hua Cheng hear the word San Lang again from Xie Lian his heart bursted in joy. He was very happy and he blushed.

Xie Lian grabbed one mantou and stuffed it in his mouth. He was very satisfied.

"Gege let me feed you side by side... Will you allow your Cheng to feed his beloved?" Hua Cheng was very much fond of Xie Lian ever since they got to know eachother.

Xie Lian nodded and gave a faint smile and kept the half eaten mantou on the plate.
"My Cheng..." Xie Lian blushed by his own mumbling to himself. His face was flushed.

"Say 'ah' my gege" Hua Cheng brought his hand closer to Xie Lian's mouth. Xie Lian opened his mouth and took a bite. A bit of the food was stuck there at the corner of his lips.

Hua Cheng noticed and rubbed it off by his thumb. Xie Lian blushed once again when Hua Cheng brought his thumb closer to his lips. Xie Lian's lips parted and he breathed heavily. Hua Cheng rubbed it off but he didn't take off his thumb from the corner of Xie Lian's lip. He stared at Xie Lian's dumb and flushed face. He raised an eyebrow.

He finally took off his thumb from Xie Lian's face and licked the food off from his thumb. Xie Lian's eyes were widen and full of embarrassment.

"Gege?" Hua Cheng brought his hand closer again to feed him.

"Nothing." Xie Lian answered hastily.
He took bite of the food again while tucking his hair back to his ear.


10:40 p.m
Hua Cheng's Chamber

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