Chapter 48:🔞 Forever...?(Fengqing + others)

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Before we start with this one, Let me clear up something real quick!

Which Ming Yi is this? The real one or the demon Xuan?
I'll be shipping Demon Xuan with Shi Qingxuan here, the real Ming Yi was never there, it was always He Xuan and if you have read my earlier chapters, you would probably know I had stated that the heavenly realm was fine with Ming Yi dealing with two realms. So if you guys are uncomfortable you guys can skip it.

Now more of you want me to write Fengqing, I'll be giving y'all Fengqing in this chapter as well as Hualian and Beefleaf, (and some Quan Yizhen with Yin Yu as well!! If you guys know what's the ship name please let me know haha. Quan Yizhen will be the bottom and Yin Yu the top.)

Also don't forget to correct me for grammatical mistakes and spellings :)!!

Let's start with the chapter.

Shi Qingxuan immediately blushed a lot when Ming Yi took a step too far, and he decided to push him away with force.

Shi Qingxuan may have had a secret love for Ming Yi for years, but he still felt uncomfortable with the sudden bold move made by him. He wanted to distance himself from Ming Yi for a moment, as he needed time to collect his thoughts and process what had just happened.

"Ming Xiong... What is all this?"

Shi Qingxuan was confused and a bit flustered by the sudden bold moves made by Ming Yi. He was surprised by his sudden actions, and now he was asking for an explanation.

Shi Qingxuan couldn't quite believe what had just happened, and he was now looking for answers from Ming Yi.

"Remember that day when you kissed my hand. I didn't complain back then. Then why are you complaining now hm?"

Ming Yi had made the excellent point that he had not complained earlier, when Shi Qingxuan had kissed his hand.

Shi Qingxuan had no good reason to be upset right now, as he had done the same in the past. So Shi Qingxuan was left speechless in the face of this unexpected rebuttal.

The entire restaurant was now completely silent, as it seemed like everyone had left, and the owner had shut down the business for today. They probably didn't have the guts to ask them leave because of what they had already begun inside.

It was as if the universe itself had decided to provide Shi Qingxuan and Ming Yi with the perfect privacy and environment to have a proper conversation.

"Xuan Xuan... Looks like the business has shut down... We have to leave."

"You called me Xuan Xuan..?" Shi Qingxuan blushed profusely as he did so, so did Ming Yi.

Ming Yi was definitely feeling confident with the sudden privacy and opportunity provided by the circumstances.

He spoke in a gentle tone again, as he wanted to make sure Shi Qingxuan felt comfortable and at ease. The two had the place all to themselves, and the moment seemed perfect to express their feelings towards one another.

"Is there anything wrong with it...? You don't like it...?" He Xuan propped his chin with his hand and looked directly at Shi Qingxuan who had now curled up in the corner.

"It's... It's just..." Shi Qingxuan gulped down the lump that had formed in his throat.

He Xuan now crouched closer to Shi Qingxuan. He slowly subdued Shi Qingxuan on the floor with his hands in a cross while He Xuan held it all together.


Nothing could escape Shi Qingxuan's lips. He felt numb from inside. His heart felt heavy, his eyes were getting teary. But after all those feelings his heart couldn't stop from beating so fast. He layed there while He Xuan went for his shot.

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