Chapter 42: His highness gets what he wants~😏🏮

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"His highness gets what he wants~"

After that.

Hua Cheng's breath was unsteady, and he was feeling the rush of adrenaline and excitement as he had just marked Xie Lian as his.

The two of them had just finished something truly intimate and intense.
Hua Cheng was feeling overwhelmed with all of the emotions, and he was also feeling the physical effects of their passion.

Xie Lian's eyes were half-open and his body was still trembling, as his heart was still beating rapidly.

He was looking at Hua Cheng with a mixture of satisfaction and exhaustion, as he was still reeling from their intense and intimate encounter. He was still trying to catch his breath and come to terms with the immense physical and emotional intensity of the moment.

Xie Lian opened his eyes slightly to see Hua Cheng looking down at him with a gentle and caring expression.

At first, he thought Hua Cheng was referring to him as "Your Highness," but then he realized what Hua Cheng was actually saying.

"San Lang," Xie Lian replied with a smile, as he looked up at Hua Cheng with a combination of gratitude and affection.

"You don't want to stay here anymore do you?" Hua Cheng raised a question which was obvious in this situation.

Xie Lian was surprised by Hua Cheng's quick change from a passionate and possessive mood to a caring and affectionate one. But he quickly realized that Hua Cheng was concerned and worried about him.

"No, I was just thinking that I don't want to stay here anymore," Xie Lian replied with a smile.

Hua Cheng quickly bent down and kissed Xie Lian's forehead.

Xie Lian could feel the warmth of Hua Cheng's breath as his lips brushed against Xie Lian's forehead, and he felt a soft and tender feeling wash over him. Hua Cheng was being gentle and caring rather than possessive and domineering, and it was a very attractive side of his personality to Xie Lian.

"Then shall we go back to our home~? Hm~" Hua Cheng suggested that they should go back, and Xie Lian agreed.

In this moment, Xie Lian did not feel the same level of intensity and excitement as he had moments earlier. Instead, Xie Lian felt that it would be nice to have a gentle and caring moment, and he was also feeling a bit tired from the physical exertion of their earlier passion.

Hua Cheng's change from a sensual to a caring and affectionate mood suited Xie Lian's mood and current needs perfectly.

"Your highness do I need to inform them? That you will be leaving with me now?" Hua Cheng's hand grasped Xie Lian's thigh.

Xie Lian flinched and gave a soft squirm. His lips paced for the reply.

"NO,....No...I m-mean... I do not think that is necessary," Xie Lian replied with an instant.
Xie Lian had the impression that Hua Cheng was concerned that he might feel ashamed or embarrassed if others knew about their earlier encounter.
But Xie Lian was not embarrassed or ashamed in the least, and he did not want to make a thing about their earlier encounter.

"Your highness ~ what are you thinking huh~? I wanted to tell them that you will be leaving with me~ that's all." Hua Cheng grinned and playfully kissed Xie Lian's lips.

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