How It All Began

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As I walk down the city street I begin to wonder about my life's purpose and what I want to be in the future.

Being born quirkless is extremely rare so you can imagine the shock on my parents faces when they found out that I belonged to that small statistic of people.

I always wanted to be a hero, the kind you see on TV these days, more specifically heroes like 'The Mighty Heroine' A.K.A Nana Shimura but obviously since I have no quirk that isn't possible for me.

I used to believe that I could be a hero even without a quirk so I would get bullied every day for it. Kids with quirks would try to "teach me a lesson" and even though I was powerless against them , I still fought back but inevitably lost.

Now that I think about it, why the hell was I fighting back, there was no point anyway.

Starting from today applications for hero schools like UA are opened which feels like life jabbed me in the face, constantly reminding me of what I can't have.


I turned to look across the street and immediately noticed a house on fire.

Man: those poor kids will die before help arrives.

I stared in horror as I soon realized the direness of this situation. Where were all the heroes, will nobody save those innocent kids.

Then a thought began to replay itself in my mind. Maybe I can save them.

After a moment I dismissed the thought, how could a quirkless idiot like me save them, I shouldn't be stupid I would just burn to death anyway.

But I always did want to be a hero, the type of hero like The Mighty Heroine who never feared evil and saved people with a smile on their face.

Maybe I could save them or at least die trying. It would finally give my miserable life a heroic end.

Right then and there, at the moment, I forced my entire body to race forward into the blazing house that was overwhelmed with an incredible amount of flames.

As I cover my face to prevent breathing in the smoke, I search for the children trapped inside the house and spot two little kids hiding in the corner of a room.

Y/N : Everything's alright *cough* come with me

The children took both my hands as I lead them out of the house with great difficulty and finally managed to get them out safely.

The two children immediately ran to their parents who embraced them into their arms.

I actually managed to save them, I actually did it

As I realized what I just managed to do I hear a child like scream come from within the house.

What the hell, there's another child.

I sprinted back into the house and followed the sound of the scream which led me upstairs.

My face lit up in horror as I realized the source of the scream was just a Doll, and it was too late for me to escape as fiery flames surrounded the room.

Just then I felt the ground underneath me shatter as I helplessly fell to my doom.

At least I will die a heroic death. I thought to myself.

At that moment I felt arms grip my body as I levitated in the air, realizing that it was none other than Nana Shimura A.K.A The Mighty Heroine who saved me.

Nana : Fear not, hope has arrived.

My Hero Shimura ( Nana Shimura x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now