Vigilante Y/N

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After I had fully recovered, I decided to make one of the biggest decisions in my life and leave UA.

I had sent a letter to all of my classmates, explaining to them about One For All and how I would put them in danger by staying there.

It was hard for me to leave UA, especially since it was my dream High School.

A while after this, I began doing hero work around the city with the help of Endeavor, the pro hero Hawks and Nana.

I was basically a vigilante now.

Currently I was tracking down the villain Muscular who had escaped his prison due to the destruction of the city.

I stood over a building, watching Muscular charge forwards towards two Shiketsu High students who seemed to be scared to their core.

With the blink of an eye I sprinted towards Muscular and blocked one of his punches.

Muscular: Who the hell are you!!

Muscular probably didn't recognize me due to the change in my hero outfit which was now torn, ragged and some found to be menacing.

I ordered the Shiketsu High students to leave the scene which they reluctantly did before thanking me.

Y/N : Surrender now and we can end this peacefully.

Muscular: Wait a minute, I know that voice, you're that kid from the UA camp I fought, LET'S HAVE A REMATCH!.

I scoffed at Muscular's statement remembering how I barely survived fighting him at camp, but this time I was different.

Using 15% of my power I landed a powerful punch on Muscular that injured him and knocked him out cold.

I had no time to play games with him as I needed to do as much hero work in the city as possible.

After handing Muscular to the authorities, who seemed shocked that I handled him all on my own, I met up with Hawks, Nana and Endeavor.

Hawks : You're doing great with your hero work Y/N, you sure you don't need to get some rest.

Endeavor and Nana looked at me concerned after Hawks question.

After the war on UA and the other pro's, Endeavor became different, I think that experience changed him for the better.

Endeavor: You do look like you need some rest.

Y/N : I'm fine, but thanks for asking.

Nana sighed before asking Hawks and Endeavor to talk to me in private which they agreed to.

Once they left, Nana placed both her hands on my shoulders.

Nana : Y/N, you can rest, you haven't slept for days, Hawks and Endeavor can take over for a while--

Y/N : --I told you, I'm fine.

These past few months, One For All had been going on and off with Nana, which was probably due to her passing it down to me, which meant that the One For All embers within her were slowly fading.

This event caused Nana to retire from being Japan's No.1 hero but she would still be doing hero work but from behind the scenes.

Nana : If you don't get proper rest you won't be able to function properly.

Y/N : I'll be alright.

Nana then pulled out a lunchbox from her bag with a weak smile in her face.

Nana : Then will you at least eat something.

I sighed as I realized that I couldn't involve Nana with my hero work anymore, it would be too dangerous for her especially since One For All was fading within her.

I turned to Nana before responding coldly.

Y/N : Nana, from now on stay out of my way.

Nana's eyes widened with shock as a sad expression appeared on her face.

Y/N : I don't need you anymore, you'll just be at a disadvantage if you follow me.

Lies ,lies ,lies, of course I needed Nana, she is my universe.

Nana : Y/N, please don't do this.

Nana's voice was soft and tears threatened to fall from her eyes.

I began walking away from her but she began to chase after me.

Nana : Y/N wait!! At least have something to eat!!

With great emotional pain I took off into the sky as Nana slipped and fell to the ground in pain which broke her lunchbox.

Damnit, why did things have to be this way.

My Hero Shimura ( Nana Shimura x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now