The Power Of Two

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I smiled at the sight of Nana standing right infront of me.

Nine : So more of you heroes have arrived, how pathetic! You still can't stop me from getting what I came here for!!

Nine then sent lightning dragons and laser beams towards Nana but she managed to counter the attack with a powerful air pressure attack.

Nana looked back at me as the dust cleared.

Nana : Y/N, can you still stand.

I nodded at her question before getting up on my feet.

At the moment every part of my body was in pain, but I still had to try.

Y/N : Nana, let's do this.

Nana smiled at me before turning her focus to a furious Nine.

Nana : We'll do this together

Me and Nana charged at Nine simultaneously, causing him to fire laser beams in all directions.

I managed to dodge all of his attacks and land a powerful kick on his face, right before Nana landed a powerful jab to his stomach.

As Nine stood from the rubble he began coughing up blood once again which seemed to anger him.


Nine then used a vibration quirk to shatter the ground beneath us before sending lightning attacks all around the battlefield.

Me and Nana manged to counter most of them with powerful blows but one lightning blast landed on the side of my waist which sent me flying and screaming in pain.

Nana : Y/N!! Are you alright!

As I lay painfully on the ground groaning in pain, I noticed Katsuma sprint closer to the battlefield.


What Katsuma said seemed to have shocked Nana, who was currently helping me stand.

He was right, there was too much at stake for me to lose now.

Y/N : Don't worry about me Katsuma, Nana and I, the two of us will protect you!

Nana looked at me sympathetically as she finally helped me up.

Nana : Y/N, are you sure you want to--

Y/N : --I can still do this, me and you can still win this battle, with the power of two of us, our victory is guaranteed.

Nine began sending blasts of energy right at us just after I said this.

Me and Nana manged to dodge his attacks and charge towards him.

I landed a powerful uppercut on his face right before Nana sent him back with a powerful kick.

I then took off into the air and used an air pressure attack to injure him even further.

I landed on my feet as Nine began sending laser beams, energy blasts and lightning attacks which managed to land on me and Nana painfully.

He then began sending lightning dragons our way before using a geo quirk to control the broken pieces of land and send them right at us.

This attack caused me great pain but I still had to stop him.

I have to try, even if it kills me.

After me and Nana got up, I felt One For All course through my body as my hair lit up in a (f/c) glow once again.

I looked over to Nana and noticed her glow in a violet aura.

Nana : Y/N, we have to finish this now.

I nodded in response as me and Nana sprinted forwards faster than the human eye could process all while dodging and countering Nine's attacks.

Me and Nana then readied ourselves for one final attack as we charged towards Nine.

We both punched him at the same time in the gut with all our strength which sent a major rainbow coloured shockwave across the battlefield and sent Nine flying and screaming in agony.

So this was the power of two One For All users.

I collapsed onto the shattered ground as the dust cleared and noticed a severely injured Nine fall to his knees in defeat before vomiting blood.

Nana looked over to me with a grin on her face.

Nana : Y/N, we did it.

I smiled in response right before Katsuma rushed over to me and hugged my injured body.

Katsuma : Thank you so much Ms Nana and Mr Y/N.

As I smiled at Katsuma, a black and gooey substance appeared in the air next to Nine.

What the hell, I recognized that thing from the battle in Kamino ward.

None other than Tomura Shigaraki stepped out of the substance before turning to Nine.

Shigaraki : You know I'm surprised you failed Nine, after the experiment we conducted on you I was sure your strength and durability was off the charts.

Nine looked down in defeat as Shigaraki sighed.

Shigaraki: Honestly, you were just a test run, we never really needed that boy's cell activation quirk anyway and now we certainly don't need you.

Nine's eyes widened with shock as Shigaraki placed his hand on his face, decaying Nine's body which invoked anger from within Nana.

Nana : TENKO!!

Shigaraki looked coldly towards Nana before smiling menacingly.

Shigaraki: It's Tomura Shigaraki, and I'll be seeing you soon Nana Shimura.

Shigaraki then disappeared within the black and gooey substance.

Honestly, I was just glad this was over, Katsuma and Mahoro were safe and Nana was right here with me.

I looked over to Nana and saw a saddened expression on her face.

I hated it when Nana lost her smile, it made my heart ache.

My Hero Shimura ( Nana Shimura x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now