Welcome To Nabu Island

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After I accepted Nana's generous offer, it wasn't long before she managed to convince my parents for me to go with her.

Nana had told me that an old classmate of her's requested that she babysit his kids while he went for a business trip.

This was perfect timing since Nana had to take a break from her hero work after what happened with All For One.

I was pretty excited about spending my holiday with Nana, maybe I could finally tell her how I feel about her.

When we arrived at Nabu Island we were greeted with a warm welcome by the Islander's there who all seemed really friendly and genuine.

It wasn't long before we reached the home of Nana's old classmate and I was quickly introduced to the children Nana was babysitting.

Nana : Y/N meet Mahoro and Katsuma.

The boy Katsuma greeted me warmly while his sister Mahoro was hostile towards me.

Nana : Don't take it personally, Mahoro isn't really a fan of heroes.

Y/N : Oh, I guess that makes sense.

Later on that day I found out that me and Nana would both be sleeping in the guest room since there was only two bedrooms available in the home.

The thought of Nana and I spending the night in the same room was enough to make my cheeks turn red.

After I finished my evening routine I headed into the guest room to find Nana in a white tank top and black leggings with her luscious locks of black hair let loose.

I stared at Nana in awe at how amazing she looked.

Nana : Hey Y/N, is everything alright.

Nana looked at me concerned before I stopped daydreaming.

Y/N : Its just that you look really beautiful...

As soon as I uttered those words I couldn't believe what I had just said, however this statement flustered Nana and caused her to divert her eyes from me in embarrassment.

Nana : Oh really...thanks Y/N

Soon my heart rate began to rapidly increase before I managed to calm down.

Nana : Well it's getting late, I'll be headed to sleep.

Y/N : Sure thing

Nana : Good night Y/N

Y/N : Sweet dreams Nana

I exited the guest room as Nana drifted off into sleep but as I got myself a glass of water I noticed Katsuma and Mahoro sneak out of the house.

What the hell were these little kids doing at this time of night.

I followed the two children into a field of grass that was distant from the house.

Y/N : Katsuma and Mahoro, What are you two doing here, it's getting late you know.

Katsuma : I'm sorry Mr Y/N it's just that me and Mahoro wanted to see the stars at this time of night.

I looked up and immediately noticed a bundle of stars across the beautiful night sky.

Y/N : Well I guess it really is beautiful isn't it.

Before Katsuma or Mahoro could reply, an explosion occured a few meters away from us.

As the smoke cleared I noticed a white haired man in a white suit who called himself Nine appear before us.


Katsuma: But we can't just leave you here alone.

I looked back at them with a reassuring smile.

Y/N : Don't worry, I'll be okay I promise.

Katsuma and Mahoro then began to run into the direction of the house as I looked back at Nine.

Nine : I can't allow that to happen.

Nine then sent a powerful blast of lightning in me and Katsuma's direction which sent us flying back.

I ordered Katsuma and Mahoro to stay behind me as I looked Nine dead in the eye preparing myself for a fight to begin.

I didn't know who this Nine guy was or what he wanted but I was ready to protect Katsuma and Mahoro with all my might.

My Hero Shimura ( Nana Shimura x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now