Y/N vs Class 1A

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After I rescued Eri, she was taken to the hospital were she would be taken care of for the time being.

Meanwhile, Hawks and Endeavor congratulated me on how fast I managed to defeat Humarise and Chisaki but I really wasn't interested on getting praised.

Y/N : I'll get back to patrolling.

Hawks : But wait, don't you at least want to--

I took of into the skies before Hawks finished his sentence. I didn't need or want anyone worrying about me, I could handle myself.

After some time, I stopped by Kamino Ward and sat infront of a statue dedicated to Nana.

After the war on UA and Jaku Hospital, Kamino ward became my quiet place.

Plus, sitting infront of this statue of Nana is probably the closest thing I'll get to being with her since she could no longer be apart of my life.

No matter how much I wanted to be with her I couldn't, I would be endangering her especially since the power of One For All within her is fading.

I sighed as rain began to fall from the grey sky.

Suddenly, I heard multiple footsteps approaching which I found to be extremely strange.

Once I turned my head I saw none other than Class 1A stand behind me.

I then got up on my feet and put my hero mask back on before facing them.

Y/N : What are you guys doing here.

Shoto : Were here to take you back to UA, Y/N.

I began to notice that Shoto and the rest of Class 1A had worried expressions on their faces which warmed my heart when I realized that they were all worried about me.

But I wouldn't endanger them by coming back to UA.

Y/N: I'm not coming back to UA, you can leave now.

Iida: But Y/N, look at the condition you're in--

Y/N : I'm okay, NOW LEAVE!

Bakugo : Come on you damn nerd! I mean it's obvious that you're far from okay!

Y/N : How the hell did you even find me!

Momo : Miss Shimura told us that she had a strong feeling that you would be here.

Of course Nana knew where I was

Y/N : You won't change my mind, so get out of my way and leave.

Deep inside, I truly wanted to be with my class again and I deeply appreciated their concern, but I could never return to UA.

Iida: Then we'll have to take you in by force.

Tokoyami immediately began to release Dark Shadow, who wrapped itself around me tightly right before it sent me into a nearby building.

Tokoyami: Just stop all this and come back to UA with us!

I do, I really do but...

With ease I broke out of Dark Shadows grasp and with the speed of One For All sprinted out of the building.

As I was about to take off, Shoto used his ice quirk to trap me within a giant pillar.


I broke out of the ice pillar effortlessy and took off into the sky, but this didn't stop Class 1A as Shoto created an ice pathway that sprouted from the ground and into the air for Iida to sprint on.

Once Iida sprinted of off Shoto's pathway, he immediately grabbed a hold of my arm.

Iida: Please Y/N, whenever you're in need, I'll be there for you, just like you and Shoto were there for me in Hosu City.

I froze up after what Iida said which gave him the chance to kick me back onto the ground as he landed safely thanks to one of Momo's creations and my other classmates.

I slowly got up and looked at my classmates coldly.

Y/N : Just stop all this!

Bakugo walked towards me as I motioned to sprint away from the area.

Bakugo: Listen you damn nerd!! Can you even smile behind that mask of yours.

Y/N : That doesn't matter.

As I motioned to walk past him, Bakugo's facial expression saddened.

Bakugo : You know, my whole life I've looked down you, but somehow even when you were quirkless it always felt as though you were ahead of me, so I bullied you to feel superior.

What the hell, is Bakugo actually telling me this.

Bakugo: But when we both got into UA, I realized how strong you were and I slowly began to realize how wrong of me it was to bully you... I'm sorry for everything Y/N, but right now you seem lost, so let me, the rest of Class 1A and The Mighty Heroine help you.

Bakugo's apology shocked me to my core, never in a million years did I expect him to apologize for all the things he did to me.

Class 1A in Unison : PLEASE Y/N, COME BACK TO UA!!

The sight of all my classmates here worrying so much about a failure like me, who failed to protect the ones he cared about, was able to bring me to my knees and in tears. 

Y/N : Thank you, all of you.

Soon after, my tiredness from all the sleepless nights I spent patrolling finally kicked in as I collapsed to the ground.

Thank you, Class 1A, thank you Nana.

My Hero Shimura ( Nana Shimura x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now