Cell Activation

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I slowly wake up to the sight of Nana standing beside me as I lay in bed.

Y/N : Nana, it's you, what happened

Nana : Last night, after I woke and realized that you, Katsuma and Mahoro were missing I immediately began looking for you guys around the area and eventually came across you who was unconscious along with Katsuma and Mahoro.

Y/N : So the both of them are okay.

Nana smiled at me in response before her expression turned serious.

Nana : However you were severely injured, something worse could've happened to you.

Y/N : I know, it's just that I needed to protect Katsuma and Mahoro from the villain Nine.

Nana sighed as she sat on the bed beside me.

Nana : You did a good job protecting them, but next time try notifying me when something troublesome happens.

Y/N : Sure thing, oh and Nana, when I fought Nine, he seemed to have multiple quirks just like All For One.

Nana seemed shocked before a sad expression formed on her face.

Nana: Its very likely that since All For One is imprisoned, Tenko--Shigaraki took control over his villainy and is probably behind this.

I placed my hand on Nana's shoulder to comfort her, knowing that the topic of Tomura Shigaraki still caused her pain.

Nana then placed her hand on top of mine which immediately made me blush.

Nana : Thank you Y/N. 

I was glad that I succeeded in comforting Nana, after all she didn't deserve to be unhappy.

Y/N : Oh and Nana, there's one more thing I need to tell you, Nine tried stealing One For All and when he attempted to do so, I saw a flash of seven people including you, why is that.

Nana seemed to be lost in her thoughts before responding.

Nana : Y/N, I think you saw all the previous users of One For All including a vestige fragment of myself who fought against Nine's quirk stealing powers.

Y/N : Woah, really, but during our fight Nine mentioned that I had multiple quirks like he did.

Nana's eyes widened with surprise before she smiled back at me.

Nana : Y/N, this means that all the previous users quirks are now merging with One For All, which means that soon you'll be able to have more than one quirk at your aid.

This was really great to hear.

Sometimes I wonder how I got from quirkless to now having more than one quirk.

Y/N : More than one quirk, that would be really helpful in combat and when rescuing.

Nana nodded at what I stated.

Nana : Even though this is good news, Katsuma told me that Nine was after his quirk and he will most likely try to go after him soon.

Y/N : So we need to have plan to deal with this, and Nana one more thing, what is Katsuma's quirk. 

Nana : Its cell activation, he also used it to help you recover and heal all your wounds, we can't let that power fall into Nine's hands.

Soon after, me and Nana came up with a plan to try and stop Nine which I was sure would work.

The plan involved us using Mahoro's illusion quirk to create an illusion of Katsuma that would lure out Nine, then me and Nana would catch him off guard and strike.

With Nana on my side I was positive this plan would succeed.

Later on during the day when I exited the guest room I checked up on Katsuma to see how he was handling the situation.

Katsuma : Its alright because I know you and Ms Nana will protect me and Mahoro.

What Katsuma said had really warmed my heart. I was happy that he trusted me as a hero.

Y/N : Yeah, me and Nana will handle this and this situation will be over in no time.

As I exited Katsuma's room, he called out to me and stopped me in my tracks.

Katsuma : Mr Y/N, I've seen how you act around Nana, you really like her don't you.

I turned to Katsuma flustered due to what he had just said.

Was I that obvious.

Katsuma : But it's alright, your secrets safe with me, I promise not to tell anyone else until you want me to.

I sighed in relief before thanking Katsuma and leaving his room.

Katsuma was right about how I felt about Nana and I had to tell her sooner or later about my feelings for her.

My Hero Shimura ( Nana Shimura x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now