Christmas At UA

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A few weeks had passed and Christmas had finally arrived.

I was excited to spend my Christmas with Nana since she would be coming over to the UA dorms.

Plus, things would seem less suspicious between the both of us because it would seem as though I was just socializing with my teacher when I talk to her.

However, the only thing I was worried about today was what I was going to give Nana as a Christmas gift.

After some minutes I gave the idea some thought and finally came up with what to give her.

It wasn't much really, I just decided to buy some hero themed pajamas as a Christmas gift for her.

But Unfortunately on my way back to UA, I encountered a villain attack so I tried to stop it.

Even though I succeeded with ease, the villain managed to ruin the pajamas I had just bought which really ruined my day.

I tried looking for another Christmas present but I was too broke to get one so I headed back to UA feeling defeated.

How was I gonna tell Nana that I had no Christmas gift to give her.

Nana's POV

Today was proving to be quite fun and eventful, after all it is Christmas.

I was currently at the UA dorms helping some of the students there unwrap their gifts but my mind soon began to wander.

Where was Y/N, and why wasn't he here yet.

This question never seemed to leave my mind.

Come to think of it, over the past year I've grown extremely close to Y/N, I've gone from his mentor, to his friend when he's in need and now to his lover.

I definitely wasn't fond of being away from him, I always loved to be in his presence or be with or interact with him.

Even simply thinking about him was enough to brighten up my day.

Soon, Y/N finally arrived but I noticed that he hung his head low and glanced at me with a sad expression on his face before immediately heading into his room.

Is he okay, judging by the way he acted probably not.

After this, I made sure to be discreet and secretly followed
Y/N into his room hoping to cheer him up.

Nana : Hey Y/N, what's wrong, you seem sad.

Y/N who was currently sitting on his bed responded with a sorrowful tone.

Y/N : Hey Nana, I'm sorry but I wasn't able to get you Christmas gift... I'm really sorry.

I chuckled at Y/N's statement before replying to him honestly.

Nana : Don't worry about it, you being here with me is already a blessing on it's own, besides I still have this.

I pulled out the small key chain customized with a chibi picture of myself much to Y/N's happiness.

Y/N : I'm glad you still have that.

Nana : I'll hold onto it for as long as I can, especially since it came from you as my birthday gift.

Y/N's facial expression softened and a smile appeared on his face.

I'm glad I was able to cheer him up.

Nana : Y/N, there's something else I need to tell you.

Y/N : Really, what is it?

Nana : I'll be adopting Eri soon.

Y/N's face lit up in shock as I told him this.

Y/N : That's great news.

Nana : Yeah, it's about time I finally started letting people besides you and Sorahiko back into my life.

As from today, I would no longer let the fear of endangering loved ones stop me from enjoying my life.

Nana : And also, thanks to the Nomu's we handed in a few weeks ago, the authorities managed to extract some important info from the creatures minds which helped them figure out the location of Shigaraki.

Y/N : So when will we be making our next move?

Nana: In exactly two weeks from now.

The thought of Y/N facing off against Shigaraki brought me great discomfort but I knew it would be inevitable.

Nana : Y/N, do you still believe that Tenko can be saved.

Y/N chuckled at my question before giving me a response.

Y/N : Remember that promise I made you a while back, I don't plan on giving up on him anytime soon.

I smiled back at Y/N before thanking him.

I'm so glad I met him on that fateful day.

Nana : Oh and I almost forgot.

I then pulled out the Christmas gift I got for Y/N which I hid under his bed.

Y/N : Woah, is that--

Nana : Yep, your new hero costume! I thought it might come in handy since your original one got damaged during our fight against the Nomu's in Kyushu City.

Y/N : Thank you so much!

Y/N wrapped his arms around me and embraced me in a tight hug.

It was moments like these that made my life worth living for.

My Hero Shimura ( Nana Shimura x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now