My True Feelings

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A day had passed since Nana and I fought Nine and I was currently resting on the bed inside of the guest room. 

Thankfully, Katsuma was able to use his cell activation quirk to heal most of my injuries so I didn't have to worry about my condition.

At the moment Nana walked into the room with a weak smile on her face.

Nana : Hey Y/N, how are you feeling today.

I grinned at Nana, letting her know that I was feeling okay.

Nana: I'm so sorry Y/N, I should have been there to help you from the start--

Y/N : --It's alright Nana, you were occupied with the other villain's wreaking havoc on the populated side of Nabu Island, so I completely understand.

Nana seemed lost in her own thoughts and I couldn't help but notice how since Shigaraki's appearance yesterday, she hasn't been herself.

Y/N : Nana, if you need someone to talk to, I'm right here.

Nana smiled at me before sitting on the bed beside me.

Nana : I'm glad I met you Y/N

I chuckled at Nana's statement since I had felt the exact same way.

Nana : Y/N, yesterday during our fight with Nine, when you were badly injured, Katsuma screamed out to you, telling you that you couldn't die because you still needed to tell me how you truly felt, what did he mean by this.

I sighed remembering what Katsuma said.

I guess today was the day I told her how I truly felt.

Y/N : Nana, ever since I knew about you, before I even met you, you were my role model but now that I've become your successor, I've gotten to know you and soon I began seeing you differently.

Nana seemed to be shocked at my statement.

Nana : How differently

Y/N : Nana, I don't know how to say this... I'm in love with you Nana Shimura.

Nana's eyes widened with shock at my confession before she looked down due to embarrassment.

Y/N : Nana, do you feel the same way.

A sad expression formed on her face before responding.

Nana's POV

Nana : Y/N, what kind of mentor would I be if I fell in love with my successor.

What I said seemed to have hurt Y/N slightly, before he replied.

Y/N : I don't care whether you're my mentor or not, I won't suppress my true feelings from you.

I felt my heart ache after Y/N's statement.

I too had developed romantic feelings for Y/N, but I had always pushed them away.

He deserved better.

Nana : Y/N, you deserve better than me.

Y/N : Nana what are you say--

Nana : --Everyone I've ever loved has gotten hurt or died, my brother, Tenko and Hana,  Sorahiko, their downfalls are all because of me.

I absolutely couldn't stand the fact that Y/N might get hurt or die because of me.

Y/N : Nana, you don't have to be afraid of what will happen to me, there's a reason why I'm your successor even though being a hero is dangerous.

No, No, No, he needed to understand that I could no longer be apart of his life for his own good.

With tears in my eyes I stood up and left the house, with Y/N running after me.

Walking away from him took everything I had to do before I turned to Y/N.


Rain began to fall from the sky, right before Y/N charged towards me and embraced me in a hug.

Y/N : It doesn't matter, I'm sure your brother and Hana are proud of the hero you are, and they would want you to live your life without fear destroying it.

A river of tears fell from eyes as Y/N continued he's statement.

Y/N : Nana, you're more than I could ever ask for, the past is the past but right now, me and you can create a bright future, whether you love me or not, I will always love you.

I will always love you

Y/N's words rang through my head as I realized I could no longer hide my true feelings from him.

Nana : Y/N L/N... I'm in love with you too.

As I hugged Y/N back the rain stopped and a rainbow appeared in the sky, shining it's brightness down on us.

Today was a beautiful day.

My Hero Shimura ( Nana Shimura x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now