First Kiss

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Nana's birthday had arrived and as I woke up with excitement I noticed a new message on my phone.

The message was from Gran Torino and he requested that I met up with him at the hospital.

After I did this and entered the hospital room Gran Torino was resting in we both discussed what to do for Nana's birthday.

I suggested that maybe we threw her a surprise party and Gran Torino agreed.

I bought a gift for Nana that wasn't something I couldn't afford.

I felt like the gift was a small one but deep down I knew this was the right one to give Nana.

Gran Torino took me to Nana's house and the two of us waited there for Nana to arrive home from work.

This was my first time at Nana's home and I noticed it was in a pretty secluded area.

For the surprise party I even reluctantly invited Bakugo since we were no longer keeping him in the dark.

When Nana had finally arrived, she was pleasantly surprised with what we came up with.

Nana : Thank you so much guys! It really means alot to me!

Bakugo scoffed causing me to elbow his arm.

Y/N : We know it's not much of a surprise party since it's only the four of us present here but--

Nana : --It's alright, really.

Nana had really seemed to be happy which I absolutely loved to see.

The sight of Nana happily smiling non stop was enough to increase my heart rate.

After the party, everyone but me left and Nana was currently watching the sunset in her balcony.

I approached her there and felt that it was the perfect time to hand her the birthday present I purchased.

Y/N : Hey Nana, there's something I wanted to show you.

Nana : Oh Y/N, I'm glad you're still here after the party.

I smiled at Nana as I handed her the birthday present I got for her which was a small key chain customized with a chibi picture of Nana herself.

Y/N : I know it isn't much and I'm sorry, it was all I could afford with my budget--

I stopped in my tracks once I saw Nana crying tears of joy.

Nana : Thank you so much Y/N, this is really amazing.

I began blushing like an idiot before responding.

Y/N : Really, it's not a problem.

I was glad that Nana was this overjoyed, she deserved to feel like that everyday.

Nana then walked towards me and her lips intertwined with mine in a soft passionate kiss.

What the hell just happened, Was I actually being kissed by Nana Shimura.

As Nana pulled away slowly I began breathing heavily due to the kiss and my heart rate.

Wow, my first kiss was with Nana Shimura.

Nana : Your gift means alot to me and I'll treasure it forever, as long as what you do comes from your heart, I'll always love it, just like I love you.

Y/N : I love you too Nana--

My sentence was cut off by an explosion occuring somewhere in the city.

I turned up the radio of the volume and heard that a random villain was stealing money from the bank.

Nana : What do you say Y/N, want to stop this crime together.

Y/N : That would be an honor.

Nana chuckled and smiled at me before responding.

Nana : You better keep up.

Nana took off into the air at incredible speeds leaving me awestruck right before I did the same.

Once I caught up to Nana, she turned to me with absolute bliss present on her face.

Nana : Y/N, thank you for everything, this is proving to be my best birthday ever!

I smiled back at Nana before telling her that she didn't need to thank me.

What Nana had said deeply warmed my heart.

I was glad that I made her birthday enjoyable and made her cry tears of joy.

She deserved the world.

My Hero Shimura ( Nana Shimura x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now