Final War

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Today is the day, the day the Final War begins.

If I'm being honest, me and the UA students were totally not ready for this, but we knew we had to help in this war regardless.

Endeavor, Mirko and the other pro's would be facing off against All For One while the UA students and I took care of the League Of Villain's who weren't captured earlier on this week.

We were able to track our enemies down but it seemed as though they were prepared for our arrival.

Could they have known about our plans?

Soon, we were able to handle most of the League Of Villain's without difficulty so me and Shoto approached one of the only villain's left standing, Dabi.

Y/N : Give it up Dabi, you won't stand a chance against us.

Dabi : We'll see about that.

Immediately after his statement, Dabi launched a powerful fiery attack in our direction which Shoto managed to counter with an ice blast.

Dabi : Is that all you've got Shoto!!

Once the dust cleared, Dabi ran straight towards Shoto with killing intent but I sent him flying back with an air pressure attack.

This didn't seem enough to put him down as I noticed him get back up with ease.

Dabi : This is a family matter, so why don't you leave us too it, Y/N L/N.

Shoto : What exactly do you mean by that!

Dabi laughed menacingly before responding.

Dabi : I'm surprised that you and Dad never recognized me.


I wasn't sure of what was going on, but I knew that it couldn't be good.


What the hell was Dabi talking about, was he really Shoto's brother.

I looked over to Shoto who seemed to be having a panic attack.

Dabi : I know it seems impossible, but thanks to that Garaki guy, I was able to survive the fire at Sekoto Peak.

Shoto's eyes widened as he fell to his knees.

Shoto : No, no , no, this can't be.

Dabi : Man I wish that Dad was here to witness this.

Talk about family drama.

I looked over to Shoto once more before helping him on his feet.

Y/N : Shoto, you've got to get yourself under control, I know this must be hard for you--

Shoto: --I know, Y/N let's take him down.

I nodded at Shoto's statement before sprinting towards the enemy at hand.

Once Dabi saw this, he sent numerous fire blasts in my direction, all of which I managed to dodge.

Because Dabi's attention was on me, this gave Shoto the chance to hit Dabi with one of his strongest ice attacks but this didn't seem to phase him.


I charged at Dabi and landed a punch so powerful that it sent a shockwave across the battlefield.

Once he got back up from my attack, he looked at me and Shoto before smiling deviously.

Dabi : I guess it's time

Dabi then began to charge up his body with heat energy as blue flames began to surround him.

Y/N : Shoto, do you have any idea what he's doing.

Shoto: I think he's making himself a living bomb, we have to stop him before he can explode.

After Shoto's statement, Dabi's blue flames began to intensify as he began burning a large portion of his surroundings.

Y/N : Shoto! We have to attack now!

Shoto nodded right before sending his most powerful ice and fire attack onto Dabi.

Unfortunately this attack wasn't enough to stop him and he was still standing.

Fine then, guess I'll have to stop you myself.

I charged at Dabi with the speed of One For All and hit him with 50% of my power which knocked him out and stopped his fiery attack.

Y/N : Shoto, we have to get to Endeavor and the other pro's now, I have a bad feeling about their fight.

Shoto : Same here, we should alert the others too.

I nodded at Shoto before my mind became clouded with my own thoughts and worries.

What if I arrive too late and Endeavor and the others are dead?

Will the first future Nighteye saw become reality.

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