USJ Attack P.t 1

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I leaped forward into battle and just as planned, began to flick my fingers, causing the air pressure to send some of the villains flying.

Class 1A and Aizawa were dominating the battle field and managed to easily fend off and defeat the low level thugs and villains.

Aizawa then turned to Iida and ordered him to try and escape to warn the other heroes to arrive just incase things got nasty.

Iida: Yes sir, but there is no way out, all the exits and entrances are locked shut.

Y/N : Maybe I can help with that

Aizawa and Iida both turned to me awaiting an explanation.

Y/N : Maybe I can use my quirk to break the exit open.

Aizawa : Y/N, I appreciate you trying to help but somehow this buildings gone on lockdown, so it won't be that easy to break down the exit.

Y/N : But I have to try.

Iida: I agree with Y/N, we should at least try since this may be our only hope.

Y/N : Alright then, let's go

As me and Iida rushed for the exit the huge weird looking creature landed Infront us with killing intent.

Y/N : Damnit!!

Aizawa then leaped infront us and ordered us to get back which we did. But what happened next shocked me.

Aizawa tried to erase the creatures quirk but it didn't work, instead the creature launched it's fist forward.

Luckily Aizawa leaped in the air, dodging it's attack but then the creature grabbed both of Aizawa's legs and smashed his body into the ground over and over again which severely injured him.

I could hear the boy with white hair congratulate his creature.

Boy: Well done my dear Nomu, now crush those students!!

The Nomu came charging at me and Iida.

I tried to use an air pressure attack to send it staggering back but it didn't phase it.

How could this be, how strong could this Nomu be.

As Aizawa crawled towards us he told us that the Nomu may be strong enough to go toe to toe with The Mighty Heroine.

Which was enough to stop me in my tracks due to shock, giving the Nomu a chance to jab me in the stomach, sending me flying backwards.

Iida: Y/N!!!!

I tried to get up on my feet but as soon as I did I began coughing up blood.

I couldn't be defeated here and now, I had to help Iida escape somehow , so I would give this fight my all.

So I sprinted forwards towards the Nomu and with the power of One For All I punched it across the side if it's face causing it to stagger.

The Nomu then jabbed me in the stomach once again so I took this chance to grab it's arm and flipped it's body forward and into the exit, destroying it enough for Iida to escape.

Y/N : Iida run now!!!

Iida without hesitation sprinted through the exit at full speed.

At least he escaped, now he can warn the other heroes.

My thinking was cut short when the Nomu began angrily screaming.

Nomu :!!!!

The Nomu then punched me in the face sending me so far back I landed a few feet away from the Boy with white hair.

Boy : Well, well, well, what do we have here. I'll make sure you pay for ruining my plans.

I grunted in pain as I lie on the floor due to the power of the Nomu's attack. I knew this feeling all to well, I was helpless

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