Vestige World

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Once the bright and blinding light disappeared, I found myself standing in an odd looking place.

I turned to my right to see Nana standing beside me.

Nana : Y/N, are you okay.

Y/N : Yeah I am, but where are we and how did we get here.

I lifted my head and looked straight forward to see Shigaraki standing in front of us but with All For One slowly growing from the right side of his body like a parasite.

What the hell was going on.

AFO: Well, if it isn't Nana Shimura and her successor Y/N L/N, we meet again but this time in the vestige world.

Vestige World, what did he mean by that.

I remembered Nana talking about her vestige fragment living within One For All, so did this have something to do with that.

Nana : Y/N, this is the vestige world which is basically a realm where the vestige fragments of past One For All users interact with the current One For All users in their subconscious.

Y/N : Then why is Shigaraki here with All For One.

Nana : Because Shigaraki is currently trying to steal One For All and even though All For One is currently imprisoned, it seems he is linked to Shigaraki's mind.

I nodded as I felt a presence appear behind me and Nana.

I turned to look and saw none other than All Might, who was Nana's predecessor but he wasn't alone as he was standing with a young man who had white hair.

For some reason, once All For One saw this he began to smirk deviously much to Nana's dismay.

AFO : Well if it isn't the predecessor of Nana I killed who is standing beside my little brother Yoichi.

My eyes widened with shock realizing that All For One's brother was a One For All user.

Yoichi: We will not allow you to take One For All from these two worthy heroes.

All For One : We'll see about that.

Suddenly I felt a gravitational pull as me and Nana were drawn to Shigaraki and All For One.

Luckily, Yoichi and All Might lifted their hands which pulled us back to them.

Shigaraki: Damnit master! I'll take One For All myself, not because you want me to!

AFO : Calm down Tomura, let me take control.

Soon, All For One began forming more and more of his body onto Shigaraki's which seemed to cause him pain.

AFO : Now, where were we.

All Might : Your reign of evil has gone on for long enough All For One.

All For One chuckled at All Might's statement before responding.

AFO : Famous words of a dead man.

What All For One said seemed to have deeply angered Nana who lifted her hands in the air which caused a gravitational pull that drew us backwards.

Nana : We won't allow you take One For All, not ever.

All For One created a gravitational pull forwards as I noticed that this became a tug of war.

An idea popped into my head as I looked over to Nana.

Y/N : Nana, I have an idea, you can let go.

Nana immediately understood what I was planning and stopped putting in effort to keep me back, causing me to be drawn towards All For One.

AFO : Yes, One For All will finally be mine!

I felt One For All course through my veins as (f/c) lightning circulated around my body.

Right as I was inches away from All For One and Shigaraki, I managed to land one of my strongest punches on them which seemed to return us back to reality.

Once this happened, a blast of energy exploded which separated me and Nana from Shigaraki, sending him across the battlefield.

I helped Nana on her feet before apologizing to her.

Honestly, I was just glad we were alive and with One For All.

Y/N : I'm sorry Nana, if I didn't underestimate Shigaraki, he wouldn't have nearly stolen One For All.

Nana : It's alright Y/N, I underestimated him too.

Nana and I looked towards Shigaraki who slowly got up from the ground.

Shigaraki: Damn you heroes!! I've had just about enough of you!

Even though Nana hadn't mentioned a word about it, I knew fighting Shigaraki deeply hurted her so my goal was to end this fight quickly.

Nana didn't deserve to be in pain.

My Hero Shimura ( Nana Shimura x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now