A Helping Hand

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I slowly got up on my feet again, realizing that I'm not out of the woods yet because the campsite is currently under attack all because of me.

If I surrendered myself, would all this fighting stop. No, I shouldn't be naive.

There's no guarantee that just because I hand myself in they'll stop the attack.

After I headed to Aizawa who was taking care of students in the safe zone of the camp I handed him Kota before storming off.

Aizawa : Wait Y/N!! Where do you think you're going, you're badly injured.

I stopped in my tracks before turning to Aizawa.

Y/N : The camp is under attack because the villains are here for me, so maybe if I can get they're attention and lead them somewhere far away, it just might help all of you.

I then took off with the power of One For All before Aizawa could respond.

Because of this, it drew attention from the villains who stopped attacking the camp site and began to follow me.

Everything was going as planned.

I then lead them to a far away area before turning to them and facing off against them.

Y/N : Who sent you guys!

The villain who seemed to have patches of skin stapled to his body responded first.

Villain : Do you really think that we would answer that question, how stupid do you think we are.

The villain then sent a wave of blue flames into my direction which I managed to dodge.

The other villain's then began to attack me all at once giving me trouble since both my arms were severely injured due to my fight with Muscular.

So far I managed to hold up by attacking them with air pressure attacks sent by my legs, but deep down I knew I couldn't keep this up for long.

Before one of the villains landed a hit on me, a barricade of ice appeared Infront of me as I turned to see Shoto.

Shoto : Y/N, you seemed pretty injured, let us help you with this.

Us, who was he talking about?

My question was answered once I saw Iida sprint through the battlefield and land some powerful blows on some of the villains.

Iida: It wasn't very wise of you to decide to do this alone Y/N.

Y/N : You guys...I appreciate the help but this is all my fault! They're here for me, so you don't have to put yourself in danger for me!

Shoto and Iida rushed to my side before responding.

Iida : We're going to lend you a helping hand Y/N, just like you helped me during the Stain incident.

Shoto : After all, isn't this what friends are for.

What Shoto and Iida had said had really meant alot but I still didn't like the idea of them putting their lives on the line for me.

The three of us charged towards the villains and began dominating the battlefield.

All was going well until one of the Villains actually managed to land a powerful blow to my injured arms, rendering me helpless right before a black and purple figure appeared behind me.

I had seen this before, this was the quirk of none other than Kurogiri, one of the villains with a teleportation quirk involved in the USJ attack.

Another villain managed to land a powerful kick to my stomach which sent me falling back into Kurogiri's purple and black aura which was teleporting me out of the area and to somewhere unknown.

Right before I could completely teleport , Iida reached out a hand to try and grab me but it was already too late.

I then immediately sunk into the darkness of Kurogiri's teleportation.

I hope Nana won't worry about me too much.

My Hero Shimura ( Nana Shimura x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now