Quirk Training

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Nana was coming to UA as teacher, that would be amazing.

The following day I returned to UA, very eager to await Nana's arrival but also very dreadful of seeing Bakugo again.

After I entered Class 1A, aizawa told the class that he had something to announce.

Aizawa : Today, this class will be receiving a new teacher.

My classmates immediately began to chatter as soon as Aizawa said this.

Aizawa : And that new teacher will be Nana Shimura A.K.A The Mighty Heroine, Japan's No. 1 hero

The whole class began screaming and going crazy as Nana stepped in.

Externally I was trying to keep my cool but internally I was going crazy with excitement.

Nana : Its a pleasure to meet you all Class 1A

Now that she was finally here, maybe we could spend more time with each other. Probably not since I can't let anyone know that I'm her successor.

Aizawa then began slipping his body into his sleeping bag.

Aizawa : I think I've done enough for today.

Nana : Now then students, our first activity together will be a quirk training exercise that will take place outside of school grounds so you can all head into the changing rooms and change into your PE clothes.

I couldn't help but stare at her for a moment before realizing that if anyone noticed me they would probably think I was a creep .

After changing into our PE clothes the ride to the training grounds where our quirk training exercise would take place wasn't too long.

We finally arrived at the place but I noticed it was just a secluded, desolate and quiet city block.

Nana : Now then students, today I will be pairing you up into teams that will go up against other teams.

Immediate chatter broke out amongst Class 1A as people wondered who they would be paired up with.

Nana : During this exercise in order to win ,the opposing team will have to manage to take the Colour flag which will be guarded by the defense team.And in order for the defense team to win, they have to manage to subdue the offense team and stop them from taking their color flag.

The exercise seemed simple enough, although I did begin to wonder who I would be paired up with.

Nana : Y/N L/N, you'll be paired  with Ochaco Uraraka and the both of you will be going up against Katsuki Bakugo and Tenya Iida.

Shortly after this while everyone else headed into one of the buildings too watch the match from afar, Nana quickly approached me with her usual smile evident on her face.

Nana : Y/N, it's good to see you, however I can't favor you during this exercise no matter how much I want to. You'll be marked fairly just like the others, so do your best.

I smiled back at Nana reassuringly.

Y/N : I understand and I will do my best.

After that I met up with Ochaco to discuss our strategy to defeat the opposing team.

She said that she had a plan to deal with Iida who would be the most likely to try and steal the Color Flag first due to his quirk, whilst I keep Bakugo busy and prevent him from interfering with her plan.

Soon enough, we entered the building were this battle will take place and I couldn't help but notice camera's all over the place, probably were Nana and the others were watching from.

The battle begun exactly as me and Ochaco expected it to, with Iida racing forwards to the Color Flag that Ochaco was guarding on the 3rd Floor while I kept Bakugo busy.

Bakugo : Get out if my way you damn nerd!!

Y/N : For the last time would you stop calling me a damn nerd!!

Bakugo charged towards me and begun using his explosion quirk relentlessly on my body.

So far I had managed to dodge and counter some of his attacks without using One For All.

Bakugo : What the hell do you think you're doing!! Why aren't you using your quirk, do you think you're better than me!!!

Bakugo then propelled himself forward and tried blasting my face but luckily I used One For All to deflect the attack with my arm, which suffered bruises after this due to how powerful One For All is.

Bakugo then managed to grab a hold of my arm and flip my body forwards, slamming me onto the ground.

He even give me a chance to get up before unleashing blast after blast.

I knew if I didn't use One For All I'd definitely lose this battle, so with One For All coursing through my veins, I flicked my finger, causing the air pressure to send Bakugo flying into the ceiling, giving me a chance to get up.

It wasn't long before Bakugo fell onto the ground in pain. But what I did angered him even more.

Bakugo : Damn you Y/N!!!

Bakugo came charging at me at full speed so I took advantage of this and gave him a taste of his own medicine by grabbing his arm and flipping his body forwards which sent him slamming onto the ground.

Bakugo : I'm not done yet!!

It didn't take long for Bakugo to get up and begin charging at me, but then suddenly through speakers around the building I heard Nana's voice.

Nana (through speakers) : This match has officially been concluded , since Tenya Iida has managed to secure the Color Flag.

What, does that mean Ochaco's plan failed.

Bakugo : You got lucky this time!!

Once adrenaline stopped coursing through my body, I began feeling the pain of my injuries.

After a minute I met up with Ochaco to find out what happened.

She wouldn't stop apologizing for losing to Iida,which I found a bit irritating.

Then we regrouped with the rest of the class and a cheerful Nana before the next match begun.

Nana : Well done you two, even though you didn't win, you still carried on until the end like a true hero would.

I couldn't help but feel saddened that I lost. Maybe if I won Nana would be happier.

Authors Note

Hey guys, hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will see you soon with the next chapter update.

My Hero Shimura ( Nana Shimura x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now