Interesting Match-Up

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Nana's POV

So Y/N would be facing off against Endeavor's son, that's an interesting Match-Up, After all Endeavor is my rival.

??? : Hey Nana, how did I do

I turn to face Y/N with a nervous smile on his face.

Nana : You did really well and not just impressed me but everyone else, I'm sure you'll be scouted after this.

Y/N : Really, thanks Nana

I wanted to hug him but then I realized that we were in a public space and I didn't want to risk anyone finding out that he's my successor.

Y/N had really made me proud again, he always did. Everyday he makes me feel grateful that I chose him to be the next user of One For All.

Nana : You know Y/N, you never cease to amaze me.

I noticed Y/N's cheeks turn red as soon as I said this which made me laugh hysterically.

I'm glad I met Y/N, he's very special to me and not just as my successor but as someone I can turn to or go to in my time of need or happiness.

Y/N : I better head off to the cafeteria, apparently there's really good food there and I've been starving ever since I got here.

I smiled at him before responding.

Nana : Sure, knock yourself out just make sure you don't get to full to the point where you won't be able to stand anymore

Y/N turned to me before replying to what I had just said.

Y/N : Soon, I'll become the strongest and even take on All For One, someday you won't have to worry about me anymore.

Y/N then headed off to the cafeteria leaving me to my own thoughts.

All For One

I absolutely hated the thought that one day Y/N may have to go up against such evil.

???: Mighty Heroine!!

I sighed as I realized Endeavor approached me.

Nana : Endeavor, nice to see you again.

Endeavor: Spare me all that crap, you don't think I've noticed how close you've been to that boy, Y/N L/N.

My eyes widened with shock after what he said.

Endeavor: I know that he's probably your pupil but what matters most is who wins today, my successor or yours.

Nana : Not everything is about who's better at what you know.

Endeavor began scowling at me after what I stated.

Endeavor: Life is all about competition, so you better tell your pupil not to hold anything back against my son.

I sighed once again as Endeavor left.


After eating a meal from the cafeteria, I headed back to the Sports Festival arena but then I was approached by Shoto who seemed to have hatred burning within his eyes.

Shoto : Y/N, you better not hold anything back against me, today is the day I prove to Endeavor that I can beat you without using his fire quirk and only using my mother's ice quirk.

Y/N : Sure, but are you sure you're gonna manage only by using half your potential.

Shoto: I don't need to use Endeavor's fire quirk, I can't wait to see the look on his face when he realizes this too.

Thoughts began clouding my mind as I watched Shoto leave.

There was one thing I noticed about him during his matches during the first half of the Sports Festival, he seemed sad.

My Hero Shimura ( Nana Shimura x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now