How It All Ends

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I sighed in relief that my battle with All For One was finally over.

The Pro Heroes and the UA students present there all continued to cheer for me and congratulate me for defeating the greatest threat the world has ever known.

It didn't take long before Nana emerged from the crowd and immediately ran towards me and landed a deep kiss on my lips.

I'm glad you're okay.

After we broke apart everybody watching seemed shocked at what had just happened but I honestly didn't care.

Y/N : Nana, I'm so glad you're okay, I thought I lost you.

Nana : You won't have to worry about losing me anymore Y/N.

We then hugged each other tightly right before we both rushed Gran Torino and a few other pro's to the hospital.

If I'm being honest, I felt guilty for Gran Torino's injuries since he got them from trying to save me earlier on today.

He was severely injured, so once Nana and I entered his hospital room we were hoping that he would make it.

Gran Torino: So Y/N, is this how it feels to be quirkless?

Oh yeah, I almost forgot, All For One stole every quirk in the world so everyone was quirkless.

Y/N : Yeah, pretty much , but I'm sure you'll get used to it.

Too bad that the quirk meteor got destroyed right after All For One used it.

Gran Torino chuckled at my statement before responding.

Gran Torino: Now that everyone is quirkless, it's a whole new world out there, a world that I may not be able to see.

Nana : Sorahiko don't say that--

Gran Torino: --Nana, we both know that my injuries are too severe for me to live, these are probably the last few moments of my life.

Nana then cradled Gran Torino's hand before speaking.

Nana : Sorahiko, there's something I need to tell you about me and Y/N, we've developed--

Gran Torino: --Feelings for each other, if I'm being honest it was pretty obvious, you two have my blessings.

Wait, so Gran Torino knew about me and Nana all along!?

Gran Torino: Y/N, the first time I met you I questioned whether Nana chose the right successor or not but after today, I'm happy that you were the 8th user of One For All, you finally put an end to All For One.

Nana grinned at this before replying.

Nana : You see I told you from the start Sorahiko, Y/N is the one.

Gran Torino: Yes... You did good kid, you did good.

Right at that moment, Gran Torino's heart monitor flatlined much to me and Nana's dismay.

Soon tears began to fall from her eyes as she began to mourn the death of an old friend.

Nana : It's all over now Sorahiko...

I hated it when she cried.

After this incident, Nana and I decided to take a walk around the city while discussing how far we've come in both our lives.

Nana : You know you've done something incredible Y/N.

I smiled back at her as I began to itch the back of my head.

My Hero Shimura ( Nana Shimura x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now