Meeting My Hero

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The Mighty Heroine carried me in her arms safely and landed somewhere away from the scene, putting me back on the ground gently.

Nana : What you did back there was extremely dangerous and reckless.

All I could do at the moment was just stare in awe, it was her Nana Shimura, The Mighty Heroine standing right in front of me.

Nana raised an eyebrow realizing my state of my mind and waved her hand in my face, bringing me back to reality.

Y/N : Oh umm, thank you for saving me back there .

Nana : No problem, it's my job to save people and I'm sorry I was late, I was occupied with stopping multiple crimes before I got here.

Suddenly I could feel my cheeks burn after what she said. I couldn't believe I was actually talking to my hero.

Y/N : You don't have to apologize, I understand

Nana : What you did back there was still dangerous, what if I was a few seconds late, you would've fell to your doom. Not to mention what if you died during your first attempt at saving those children, what would happen then.

Her face was stern as she waited for my response.

Y/N : It's just that when I saw the house burning with innocent kids inside, I wanted to help... Even though I'm quirkless I want to be a hero just like you.

Shock was evident on Nana's face after what I said before her smile reformed on her face once again.

Y/N : Uh, Mighty Heroine... Do you still think that I can become a hero like you who saves people, even though I'm quirkless.

Nana smiled while staring off at the sunset.

Nana : People like you with heroic spirits who will risk their lives for others and strive to save them are very rare to find, so I would be a fool to miss out on an opportunity like this.

After what she said I scratched my head in confusion.

Y/N : Uh, Mighty Heroine, what are you talking about.

She then turned to me and looked me dead in the eyes.

Nana : Yes, you too can become a Hero.

My eyes widened in shock, what did she mean, could a quirkless person like me actually become a hero.

Nana : I can give you my quirk which is a special power passed on from one user to the next called One For All. With this power you can strive to become a hero and protect those in need of help.

I hung my head down in disbelief, was this actually happening.

Y/N : Why would you give a person like me your power.

Nana : Because I see a spark of fire in you that I've only ever noticed with true heroes. You truly are a hero whether you choose to accept my offer or not.

I slowly began to sob as I realized that this was a turning point in my life. I met my favorite hero and now she can give me a quirk.

Which is the one thing in my life that can help me achieve my goal of becoming a hero like her.

A hero who saves people with a smile on their face.

My Hero Shimura ( Nana Shimura x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now