An Awaited Rematch

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Me and Bakugo stepped onto the battle platform ready to begin our match.

Midnight: Let the match commence!!

Bakugo : Get ready damn nerd!! Cause I won't be holding back.

Y/N : I won't be going easy on you either.

Even though I knew Bakugo wouldn't hold back I knew that I had to.

If I didn't I would end up killing Bakugo due to the immense power of One For All.

Bakugo then charged at me using his explosion quirk to get to me faster.

I dodged one of his explosion attacks and deflected another with my arm.

Bakugo: How long will you keep playing defense before you lose!
Accept it, I've already won this match.

I flicked my finger twice in Bakugo's direction sending two air pressure attacks.

Bakugo managed to dodge the first but failed to dodge the second which sent him a few meters back.

Bakugo : Is that all you've got, if so I'm disappointed.

Bakugo then began smirking before flying around me like a vulture using his explosion quirk.

I tried using air pressure attacks once again but Bakugo managed to dodge all of them, charged forwards and began blasting my face relentlessly which disturbed my vision only for a while.

This gave him the upper hand since now I couldn't predict or analyze his attacks or movements.

I suddenly felt a jolt towards my stomach and ribs which sent me staggering backwards as I realized this were the doing of Bakugo's blasts.

I had to stop playing around and get serious or else Bakugo would manage to somehow force me off of the battle platform which would result in my loss.

Nana's depending on me, so I won't lose.

I then used One For All with my legs and arms and swiftly launched myself forwards in Bakugo's direction.

Next, I used my right arm to jab Bakugo in the stomach which sent him flying.

Before Bakugo could fall of the battle platform he used his blasts to push himself forward.

I didn't give Bakugo a chance to recover and began sending air pressure after air pressure attack which put a strain on my fingers.

One of the attacks managed to hit his chest sending him painfully onto the ground.

This was my chance

I sprinted to Bakugo as he got up and threw my fist at him, but this time I stopped it a few inches from his face, sending an air pressure attack so powerful it sent him flying off of the battle platform.

Midnight raised her hand while holding a mini flag.

Midnight: Y/N L/N wins this match!!

Relief washed over me as I realized that I had just won and began hearing the crowd cheering.

I looked over at Bakugo and noticed him scowling at me.

Bakugo : Just because you won this match doesn't mean you're stronger than me!!! This isn't over by a longshot!

Bakugo stormed out of the arena angrily as I watched. I kinda felt bad for him.

Sure he bullied me in the past but I don't hold any grudges against him for that anymore.

Although, most of the time I wondered what his problem was.

Midnight: The next match after a short break will be between Y/N L/N and Shoto Todoroki!

Woah, I was going up against Shoto next which did hype me up.

I was really excited to fight against him and advance to the finals if I won.

No, when I won, there was too much at stake for me to lose.

My Hero Shimura ( Nana Shimura x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now