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Nana's POV

My eyes widened with shock as Aizawa told me and the rest of the teaching staff the news of Y/N's capture by the League Of Villains, upon his return to UA.

Nana : What!? How did this even happen!!

Aizawa: The camp was under attack and according to Y/N, the villains were looking for him. So Y/N being Y/N, he chose to lead the villains away from the campsite and deal with them on his own.

Principal Nezu: But how did the League Of Villains know the location of the campsite, after all only the teaching staff were aware of this.

Aizawa: To be honest, I'm not sure.

After the what I had just heard my heart rate increased by the second.

Where was Y/N, was he okay, what did the League Of Villains plan on doing with him. Was this related to All For One.

I absolutely could not bear the thought of Y/N being hurt in anyway due to the League Of Villains.

Aizawa: But I do have a plan to rescue Y/N.

This immediately caught my attention as I was now extremely eager to hear about this plan.

I had really hoped Y/N was okay, if I lost him, I would never forgive myself.

Y/N's POV ( 7 Hours Later)

After my injuries had been treated I was immediately restrained with some kind of Quirk weakening hand restraints.

I was pretty sure a day and a few hours had passed since my capture and I still didn't know why the League Of Villains wanted me.

I had also noticed that I was being held captive in what seemed to be an old bar which I found to be an Odd place for a villain hideout.

Moments later, the boy I recognized to be Shigaraki walked into the room with a handful of other villains.

Shigaraki: Hello Y/N L/N, I guess we meet again.

I felt anger boil up inside of me, I had no patience for formalities.

Y/N : What the hell do you want from me!

Shigaraki: Well then, seems like we're getting straight to the point.

Y/N : Just answer my question!

Shigaraki: The League Of Villains and my master have taken an interest in your quirk which is very similar to that of Nana Shimura's.

I felt goosebumps appear all over my body after what he had just said.

Shigaraki: My master tells me that you and The Mighty Heroine have the same quirk, what was it called again...One For All if I'm correct.

Shivers were sent down my spine due to shock, how the hell did he know all of this.

Shigaraki: My master has taken an interest in this One For All and hopes to unlock the secrets of this quirk, hence we needed it's latest holder who needs to be alive for this to happen.

Y/N : Tell me, who is this master of your's.

Shigaraki chuckled sinisterly but before he could respond, the walls burst open revealing a whole army of officers and a couple of heroes all ready to strike much to my surprise.

The Pro Hero Kamui Woods used his quirk to subdue most of the villains.

Then, she appeared and landed in front of me before looking back at me and smiling.

Nana : Hope has arrived, Y/N.

My Hero Shimura ( Nana Shimura x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now