Three V One

518 17 2

Nana's POV

Even though Endeavor and I were occupied with an army of Nomu's, all I could think about was what Shoto said.

             Y/N needs my help.

What exactly did Shoto mean by this, where was Y/N and was he okay.

I couldn't bare the thought of Y/N getting hurt but I also couldn't ignore my gut feeling which told me that something was wrong.


I looked over to Iida, wondering whether he could help me and Shoto in battle or not.

Y/N : Iida, how badly are you injured?

Iida: I can't move my left leg.

I smiled at Iida once more.

Y/N : Don't worry, me and Shoto will handle this.

Stain charged at us and swung his swords but before he could do any damage Shoto sent a blast of fire onto his gut which sent him a few meters back.

I didn't give him time to recover and sent more air pressure attacks in his directions, all of which he managed to dodge.

Stain : Is that all you fake heroes got?

I then felt One For All spread throughout my body as (f/c) lightning circulated around me.

I charged towards Stain and landed a powerful uppercut and jab, right before Shoto sent ice attacks in his direction.

I could hear Iida grunting as he slowly got on his feet.

Iida: I won't allow you guys to put yourself on the line for me while I just lay useless, I'll help you guys.

Iida then charged towards Stain at nearly full speed and kicked him across the face which sent him staggering backwards.

Y/N : Just give up Stain!! It's the three of us against you.

Stain : I won't stop! Not until I create a society that's protected by true heroes like The Mighty Heroine and not fakes like your injured friend!

Y/N : Iida's not a fake hero!

Stain : Would a true hero let themselves be consumed by vengeance and attempt murder, no they wouldn't, nowadays heroes just do it for the fame and money, nobody gives a damn about the people they pretend to save, only The Mighty Heroine is worthy, She's the only true hero who fights for peace in a society filled with fakes.

So I'm guessing Stain only ever kills heroes he deems fake, pretty sick and twisted if you ask me.

Stain : Tell me boy, what do you fight for!!

I looked Stain dead in the eye before responding.

Y/N : I fight to protect the people in need of help!! I fight to show humanity that there's still hope in a world consumed by darkness!!

What I said seemed to shock Stain who stared at me momentarily before responding.

Stain : I'll let you live boy, you seem like a true hero but if you get in my way you just may have to die!!

Y/N : I won't let you hurt Iida or Gran Torino!!

I looked over to see a paralyzed Gran Torino who seemed to be in pain.

Gran Torino: Don't worry about me kids, just leave now!!

Y/N : I'm sorry but we can't do that.

Iida then rushed towards Stain and managed to strike him with a powerful leg kick.

Shoto took advantage of this and created an ice pillar that sent Stain flying through the air.

Shoto : Y/N NOW!!

I immediately took off into the air which caused shockwaves and kicked Stain at half my power into the same ice pillar that sent him into the air, shattering it into pieces.

Gran Torino: I think I can move again.

I then looked over to Gran Torino who managed to stand up.

Gran Torino: I think you three kids managed to knock him out.

Me, Iida and Shoto turned to see an unconscious Stain lying on the ground.

I'm glad we were able to do it.

My Hero Shimura ( Nana Shimura x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now