Go Beyond

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I sprinted straight towards Nine and landed a powerful punch to his face which he countered with a lightning blast.

Nine was clearly pushing himself beyond his capabilities and limits, I had to do the same, I had to go beyond.

One For All surged through my body as my hair levitated slightly and lit up in a (f/c) glow.

This was One For All at 200%.

Nine saw this but chose to ignore it and send 3 lightning dragons in my direction.

I dodged all their attempts at colliding with me and took them all out with one powerful punch which caused immense destruction around us.

I looked back at Katsuma and Mahoro, feeling relieved that they had taken cover behind a boulder a safe distance away from the battle.

Just as I looked back, Nine sent dozens of laser beams my way, all which I managed to dodge while charging towards him.

I took off of the ground and just as I motioned to punch Nine whilst in the air, he sent laser beams towards me.

Nine : You can't dodge in midair can you kid!

I proved Nine wrong by dodging most of his laser beams while plummeting through the air.

There were a few more violet laser beams headed my way, so I used an air pressure attack by swinging my leg which sent the lasers into Nine's body.

An injured Nine grunted in pain as I sent another powerful air pressure attack using my hand which left a huge imprint of my fist on the ground.

I backflipped in midair and landed on my feet due to the power of the air pressure attack I sent whilst an injured Nine grunted in pain.

Nine : Damnit!! How did you get this stronger! IT'S THAT DAMN QUIRK OF YOURS ISN'T IT!!

I glared at Nine determined to defeat him as he began powering himself up with lightning.

Nine charged towards me and the two of us landed a powerful punch at the same time causing major shockwaves which destroyed the hills above us.

As a landslide of rocks came tumbling towards us, I sent an air pressure attack with my fingers, causing all the ruble and rocks flying to where they came from.

Nine then jabbed me causing me to cough out blood as he headbutted me which sent me tumbling backwards in pain.

Nine once again summoned lightning from the sky which painfully rained down on my body.

He didn't give me time to recover so before I got up on my feet, he sent dozens of lightning dragons and laser beams onto my body causing me to scream out in agony.

After that attack I used most of my strength to stand. At this rate, I wouldn't last for long so I had to end this fight quickly.

I charged towards Nine and unleashed my most powerful blast yet onto him in hopes it would knock him out.

My eyes widened with shock and as the dust cleared I realized that Nine had used a mirage of his yellow forcefield's to block my attack.

Nine's yellow forcefield's shattered onto the ground before Nine released a powerful blast of lightning onto me, sending me flying.

I used my most powerful attack and it failed, not to mention I was barely keeping conscious.

This was bad, this was really bad.

Nine : Any last words.

Right then and there at that moment, The Mighty Heroine landed right infront me causing a major shockwave.

Nana turned to me with a dead serious expression on her face right before smiling.

Nana : I'm sorry I'm late Y/N, everything will be alright.

Relief washed over me as I realized Nana had arrived.

She truly is amazing.

My Hero Shimura ( Nana Shimura x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now