Back At UA

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Soon, the school holidays had passed and it was time for me to return to UA.

During the holiday period, after me and Nana expressed our true feelings to each other we became extremely close.

It was complicated, sure we both knew we were in love with each other but we weren't exactly officially in a relationship.

Nana had feared that if we did, my parents and others would eventually find out and make our lives difficult, which did make sense to me.

As I entered the classroom of Class 1A, I was immediately greeted by Iida and Shoto who I was glad to see.

Not long after, we began the rest of our school day.

Funny enough, I couldn't focus on the school work because all I could think about was Nana.

After the school day had ended me and the rest of the class headed back to the dormitory.

When night time had come and the others were asleep, I decided to get some fresh air outside and think about my future with Nana.

When would we date, one day would we get married, will we have kids someday.

All these thoughts excited me and rang through my head right before Bakugo approached me and ruined the moment.

Bakugo : Hey, you damn nerd! You think I haven't noticed how strong you've gotten.

I sighed as I turned to face Bakugo, honestly he was someone I definitely did not miss during the holidays.

Bakugo : But I've gotten stronger too.

I looked at Bakugo skeptically before responding.

Y/N : What are you suggesting.

Bakugo : I want you to fight me again, right here and now.

I pinched the bridge of my nose in irritation.

How many times would we keep doing this for.

Y/N : If I win this fight today, this rivalry of ours will be settled once and for all.

Bakugo smirked before agreeing with me.

I then felt the power of One For All course through my veins as
(f/c) lightning circulated my body.

Bakugo didn't hesitate once he saw this and charged towards me ready to fight.

I dodged most of his attacks and sent him flying back with an air pressure attack.

Bakugo got up and tried attacking me, but once again I managed to dodge most of his attacks, but this time he landed a blast on my face which temporarily blinded me.

This gave him the chance to bombard me with his explosion attacks right before I got my vision back.

I dodged one of Bakugo's blasts and jabbed him in the stomach with 5% of my power which sent him staggering back in pain.

I didn't give him a chance to recover and sent multiple air pressure attacks in his direction, right before I landed a powerful kick to the face and pinned him to the ground.

Y/N : Give it up Bakugo, this fights already over, I'm not interested in doing this--

Bakugo : --Shut up you damn nerd!! All this time while you've been getting stronger... I've just been useless.

Bakugo sighed in defeat which was out of character for him and really shocked me.

Bakugo : Maybe if I was stronger, no one would've gotten hurt or injured during the USJ attack, maybe nobody would've been hurt during Camp.

I suddenly felt sympathetic towards Bakugo and offered to help him up, right before Nana arrived on the scene with a stern expression on her face.

Nana : Y/N, Bakugo! You two shouldn't be out here past curfew and you certainly should not be fighting each other.

Bakugo got up on his feet right before tears seemed to have formed in his eyes.

Bakugo : All I've ever wanted, is to be a hero like you Mighty Heroine. I want to be strong like Y/N but I can't, I can't even protect my classmates against villains.

Bakugo fell to his knees causing Nana's expression to ease up.

Nana : Bakugo, there's no need to beat yourself up over the things you can't control, besides you did protect your classmates during USJ until I arrived, so don't think you're useless.

Bakugo scoffed before glaring at me and Nana.

Bakugo : You think I haven't noticed, I know that you two have something going on, I also guessed that you're the reason that Y/N now has a quirk.

Nana's eyes widened with shock as I sighed in disbelief.

Nana : I guess it's pointless keeping you in the dark now that you know of this and I guess telling you the full story will help ease your conscience.

That night, Nana and I had explained everything to Bakugo about One For All and All For One but we still kept our complicated relationship a secret.

After this, me and Bakugo were still in trouble for staying up late and fighting past curfew so we got a warning and as punishment were now on trash duty for the rest of the month.

When I went back into the dormitory to get some sleep, thoughts began to cloud my mind.

At least now that Bakugo knew, if Nana isn't around I have someone to talk to about One For All.

Then another important thought came to mind.

How could I forget, tomorrow is Nana's birthday.

My Hero Shimura ( Nana Shimura x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now