A Deadly Rematch

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I charged forwards at Shigaraki and landed a punch on him that sent him flying across the battlefield.

I then sprinted towards him and tried subduing him with (f/c) whip but he dodged it and landed an uppercut on my jaw.

Shigaraki: Well then, playtime's over.

Shigaraki touched the ground and shattered it using his decay quirk but luckily I was able to propell myself into the air in time.

Y/N : We can end this now Shigaraki, it would save us alot of time and effort.

Shigaraki grinned menacingly as I landed back onto the ground.

Shigaraki: You heroes, always so pathetic, once I'm done with my plans, the whole world will know true destruction.

Y/N : You know, Nana and I still believe that you can be saved, so I'm not giving up on you.

Shigaraki: Your mistake.

Shigaraki charged towards with great speed and tried to touch my chest with his hands when the intention of using decay, but I managed to use (f/c) whip to tie them up.

After this, using (f/c) whip I repeatedly smashed Shigaraki into the ground before landing a powerful jab across his face.

Shigaraki: How long will you be able to keep this up.

Shigaraki then used (f/c) whip against me and pulled me forwards before headbutting me into the ground.

Fortunately, I manged to get up on my feet right before Shigaraki tried using his decay on me while I was still on the the ground.

Shigaraki: You can try all you want, but my durability and stamina is off the charts, which means that I can outlast you in this fight.

Y/N : Then I'll just have to knock you out ASAP.

Shigaraki chuckled before responding.

Shigaraki: You and Nana are so similar, so pathetically optimistic, once I'm done with you I'm going to make you watch as I kill her right in front of your eyes.


Shigaraki: Then your only solution is to kill me.

My hair lit up in a (f/c) glow as I stared deep into Shigaraki's eyes.

Y/N : I still plan on saving you, whether you like it or not, Tenko.

Shigaraki: Then your precious Nana is as good as dead.

I charged at Shigaraki swiftly and landed two powerful blows on his face before kicking him into the air.

Next, I took of into the sky after him and punched him back into the ground painfully and began to pummel him repeatedly which created a giant crater.

Y/N : I know you're still in there Tenko, I can save you but only if you allow me to.

Deep down inside I knew that Tenko was buried somewhere deep in the psyche of Tomura Shigaraki.

Shigaraki's menacing smile turned into a grimace after my statement.

Shigaraki: I truly hate all you heroes, all of you are disgusting hypocrites, but once I've carried out my plan, heroes will be none existent and All For One and I will be in control.

Shigaraki used his feet to land a powerful blow onto my body which sent me staggering back from the site of the crater.

Shigaraki: It's time I finally finished you off Y/N L/N.

Shigaraki dashed forwards and tried to land powerful blows on my body but I dodged all of them and sent him back with an air pressure attack.

This caused Shigaraki to scream in anger right before we both charged towards each other and with a blink of an eye, both our fists connected in a powerful punch that destroyed the area around us.

This punch even caused major shockwaves which affected the heroes and League Of Villain's who were fighting each other somewhere far away on the battlefield.

However as me and Shigaraki glared at each other, determined to stop one another, an extremely bright and blinding light appeared.

Wait a minute, I've seen this before, this was the same light that appeared when Shigaraki tried stealing One For All during the War on UA and Jaku Hospital.

But Shigaraki wasn't trying to steal One For All at the moment, so why would this be.

Then before I could answer my own thoughts, I found me and Shigaraki standing on a piece of ground in a desolate and empty area with a white sky.

Where the hell are we?

My Hero Shimura ( Nana Shimura x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now