A Daunting Battle

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As Gigantomachia raced towards me, I propelled myself into the air, causing me to let go of Shigaraki and the grip (f/c) whip had on him.

Next, I hit the giant with an air pressure attack that only managed to send him back a few inches.

Gigantomachia : MUST CRUSH Y/N L/N.

As I landed on my feet, Gigantomachia thrust it's fist forward and manged to land a powerful hit on me that sent me flying across the battlefield in pain.

I got up on my feet before thinking of what to do next.

I can't use black whip because even if I could enlarge it, I wouldn't have the strength to keep Gigantomachia subdued.

I sighed as I realized that my chances of winning this fight were low.

Even though I am most likely going to lose this battle, I'll still keep on fighting to the very end.

Right before I could make my next move, something flew straight down onto the battlefield from the sky.

When the dust cleared I saw none other than Nana stand before me.

Nana : Y/N, are you okay.

I nodded as Nana apologized for being late.

She then swiftly landed 5 powerful blows on Gigantomachia which seemed to knock him out for the time being.

Honestly, I had felt that Nana had always arrived when times were at their worst.

She truly was a hero.

Shigaraki: Well if it isn't The Mighty Heroine herself, prepare to die.

Shigaraki motioned to touch the ground but luckily, a trail of spiky ice appeared and cut both of his hands off.

I looked over to my right to see Shoto standing with determination burning within his eyes.

Shoto : Give it up Shigaraki!! We can end this now!!

I stared at Shigaraki with disgust as I noticed his hands slowly regenerate.

Must be due to another mutation.

Shigaraki: I don't think this fight's over just yet.

Shigaraki charged at Shoto and tried to hit him with a leg kick but Nana sent him staggering back with a powerful air pressure attack.

Nana : Shoto, you need to get Aizawa to the medical bay now, he's severely injured.

I looked over to Aizawa who was groaning in pain before Shoto carried him and left the battlefield.

What Shigaraki had did to him was absolutely cruel and evil.

Shigaraki stood back up as his hands fully regenerated.

Shigaraki: Why don't we stop playing games and get serious.

Nana immediately dashed towards him and grabbed his wrists before he could touch the ground with his hands.

Nana : Tenko, it doesn't have to be this way.


Shigaraki head butted Nana and tried to use decay on her but she dodged his attempt and landed a jab on his stomach before landing an uppercut.

I took advantage of this and used (f/c) whip to subdue Shigaraki once more and draw him closer to me and Nana.

Y/N : Call the villain attack off right now.

Shigaraki began laughing menacingly at my statement.

Shigaraki: You really shouldn't underestimate your opponent.

Shigaraki broke out of (f/c) and using his super speed placed both his hands on mine and Nana's face.

Crap, How did I let this happen, I thought he wasn't that strong to break free.

Me and Nana tried resisting but it was already too late as Shigaraki began to steal One For All from the both of us.

Suddenly a bright and blinding light appeared as Shigaraki laughed menacingly once more.

No, this couldn't be how it all ended, I still had so much to do.

My Hero Shimura ( Nana Shimura x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now