A Hero's Hope

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Once the dust cleared, most of the people there were either injured or unconscious.

However Endeavor was nowhere to be seen as what seemed to be All For One's burnt up corpse lay on the destroyed battlefield.

Endeavor actually died?

My earlier thoughts were put on hold once I saw Nana lie lifeless on the ground.

Y/N : NANA!!

I immediately rushed over to her and began to check her heartbeat which seemingly stopped.

Y/N : Come on Nana, you have to wake up... You have to...

While I cradled Nana's body, Nighteye's words rang through my mind.

During this upcoming war, Y/N fails to save a few other pro heroes and you.

How did she even get injured? Probably due to the blast that Endeavor created when he sacrificed himself.

Why the hell do things have to be this way. Was this the cost of being a pro hero?

If so, I don't want any part of it, not without her...

Not without her...

After a moment of silence, other pro heroes and UA students rose on their feet and came to stare at the scene of me cradling Nana's body.

Shoto : Y/N, what's going on? Where's my dad and what's wrong with Mighty Heroine!?

Tears began to fall from my face as I responded to him.

Y/N : They're gone... they're both gone.

After my statement, All For One seemingly got back up and hurried for the quirk meteor.

So he's alive huh, Not for long...

I gently placed Nana's lifeless body on the ground before sprinting towards the symbol of fear.


All For One grabbed the quirk meteor and held it high in the air while laughing menacingly.

AFO : Sorry Y/N L/N, it's nothing personal.

Seconds later, the quirk meteor began to glow and started sucking energy from everyone I could see which seemed to be our quirks.

Damnit, he's stealing our quirks!

I felt my body grow weak as I collapsed onto the battlefield.

Once I woke, I realized that I was in the vestige world with the first One For All wielder Yoichi being the only one present there.

What was going on?

Yoichi: Hello Y/N, we meet again.

Y/N : Wait! Does this mean that All For One's stealing One For All.

Yoichi nodded before replying calmly.

Yoichi: Even though he may be trying to, he won't succeed since One For All can only be passed down if the user allows it to.

I sighed in relief before falling to my knees.

Y/N : Nana... she's--

Yoichi: --Dead, I know, I'm working on it, since Eri used her rewind on Nana to temporarily reverse her body to a time when she still had One For All, the quirk is still present within her body for now, which means that it's power might be able to jumpstart her heart.

Y/N : So she's--

Yoichi: --Yes, I might be able to save her.

Y/N : Then that's great--

Yoichi : --However, if you win this fight against All For One, One For All will cease to exist since it will have finally completed it's purpose.

Wait, what!? No more One For All, which means that I'll be quirkless again, that is if I survive.

Y/N : But what if All For One breaks out of prison again, who will stop him then.

Yoichi: I have an extremely strong feeling that today this feud between All For One and the One For All users finally ends.

Y/N : Then all I have to do is beat the Symbol Of Fear.

Yoichi: Yes, but this will be your hardest fight ever, that's why all the previous One For All users are going to put their remaining life essence into One For All to strengthen it to heights unimaginable.

Y/N : Which will even the playing field between me and All For One who currently has all the quirks in the world.

Yoichi: Yes, so give all you have in this fight Y/N L/N.

Y/N : I most certainly will.

Yoichi : Although it may take a few minutes for One For All to be strengthened, so you have to hold out until then.

Y/N : I'll do my best.

Yoichi: After all, in times like these, heroes like you need to hold out hope.

Immediately after Yoichi's statement, I woke in the normal world and the first thing I noticed was All For One who was holding the quirk meteor.

A second later, the quirk meteor transfered all the quirks it had stored up into the Symbol Of Fear's body.


I rose to my feet and slowly approached the enemy in front of me.

Y/N : Not all, besides, I'm still here to stop you.

The symbol of fear broke out into a maniacal laughter after my statement.


I smirked at All For One's question as Yoichi's words rang through my head.

After all, heroes like you need to hold out hope.

My Hero Shimura ( Nana Shimura x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now