Fatal Encounter

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Gran Torino kicked Stain's face into the ground before he could get to me and Iida.

Gran Torino: Leave Now!!

Stain then swung his sword multiple times at Gran Torino and actually managed to cut him.

Stain : I told you, I'm not letting any of you escape here alive.

Stain then licked the blood of Gran Torino that was on his sword which somehow paralyzed Gran Torino.

Y/N : Gran Torino, are you okay!

Gran Torino: Why can't I move!

Stain then turned to me and Iida once more.

Stain : Time to end you fake heroes.

Shoto's POV

I had chosen to intern with my father Endeavor as deep down inside I felt as though maybe we could give our father-son relationship a second chance.

Right now, me and Endeavor had teamed up with The Mighty Heroine to patrol Kyushu City.

Apparently this had been the city Y/N was having his internship.

I looked forward to seeing him again as I needed to thank him for making me realize that I could make my fire quirk my own but at the moment I was occupied with Endeavor arguing with The Mighty Heroine.

This was inevitable since Endeavor reluctantly agreed to team up with her for tonight.

Endeavor: Don't you dare think you're better than me just because your No.1, because soon I'll catch up to you!!

Nana : I don't recall myself saying that I was better than you, I only remember giving you advice with your work as a Pro.

Endeavor: What are you trying to suggest!!

Listening to them argue was getting tiring for me, but all I could do was sigh and let them sort their matters out.

I looked at my phone and saw an emergency request from Y/N with his location.

Suddenly, we noticed an army of Nomu begin to wreak havoc.

Endeavor: Nomu!? What the hell are an army of Nomu doing here.

Nana : I don't know, but they need to be stopped.

Without hesitation I used my ice to glide towards Y/N's location, if this was indeed an emergency, this was probably a life and death situation.

Endeavor and The Mighty Heroine were more than capable of handling the Nomu's themselves, so I needed to leave now.

Endeavor: Shoto!! Where do you think you're going!!

Shoto: I'll be back , there's no time to explain but Y/N needs my help.

After I said this, I noticed a shocked expression appear on The Mighty Heroine's face, I didn't have the time to think about why so I dismissed the thought from my mind.


Stain sprinted towards me and Iida but I managed to send him back with an air pressure attack.

Y/N : Iida what does this villain mean, did you really try to kill him.

Iida grunted in pain due to his leg injury before responding.

Iida: My brother the Pro-hero Ingenium had a near fatal encounter with the Hero Killer Stain which cost him his legs, so I wanted revenge and tried to kill Stain.

I couldn't believe what I just heard. I was shocked that Iida would actually try and kill someone.

Iida : Y/N, you should just leave me be, I don't deserve your help

I looked at Iida with a reassuring smile.

Y/N : Don't worry, I'll save you and Gran Torino.

I turned to Stain who was ready to fight but then suddenly he was attacked by an icy blast that came from behind me.

I smirked as I realized who had arrived.

Shoto : Y/N and Iida, are you alright.

I nodded as Stain got up on his feet.

Y/N : Let's take him down.

My Hero Shimura ( Nana Shimura x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now