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After I lost my match with Shoto, my injuries were soon treated by recovery girl who complained about how much I injured myself.

After that I approached Nana who immediately congratulated me once she saw me.

Nana : Congrats Y/N, you were amazing out there.

I sighed in disbelief before giving her my response.

Y/N : I'm sorry Nana, I was supposed to show the world that the next symbol of peace is rising but I lost.

Nana : But you did accomplish just that, everyone in the crowd was praising you and how you strived to help Shoto. Even the pro heroes said that the world needs more heroes like you who actually help people.

I began smiling at Nana nervously.

Y/N : Oh, I really didn't expect that.

Nana : Raise your head up high Y/N, you did well like always.

Later on that day, the Sports Festival concluded with Shoto coming out 1st, Tokoyami 2nd and Iida 3rd.

A few weeks had passed since that day and I was back at UA.

Surprisingly we had the chance to order custom made hero costumes as a gift for participating in the Sports Festival.

After we received them we had to come up with our hero names which I found really fun to do.

I came up with the hero name , Guardian Angel, which some people found to be silly.

After that Aizawa had informed Class 1A that it was time to choose our internships.

Surprisingly, many hero agencies had scouted me, but the perfect hero that I could intern with came to my mind.

I notified Nana about my decision and even she was impressed with it.

I would be interning with Gran Torino. Maybe he could teach me how to control One For All better.

So the next day I arrived on his doorstep much to his surprise.

Gran Torino: Well if it isn't Y/N
L/N, Nana's successor. Are you here for an internship?

I nodded my head as he gestured for me to come inside his house.

Gran Torino: Well then, let's get started.

Before I could even process what was happening, I felt a swift kick to the face as I fell onto the ground.

Gran Torino: Never let your guard down kid, now let's try that again.

Gran Torino then began using his quirk to move around the room faster than the human eye while attacking me.

Countering his attacks was already proving to be difficult since he was leagues ahead of me.

Finally, I managed to dodge one if his kicks and send an air pressure attack in his direction which through him off balance.

I took this chance to launch my fist into his body but he managed to kick me in mid air before I could do so, causing me to fall headfirst on the floor.

Gran Torino: Not bad for a kid your age, I'm actually impressed you managed to almost hit me with one of your attacks.

At the moment I didn't know whether I should take that as I compliment or an insult.

Y/N : Thank you ( in an unsure tone)

Gran Torino : L/N, don't you think you're using One For All wrong.

Y/N : Using it wrong? Well I never really thought about that.

I then began to realize that I was using it as a special move which Nana never did.

Gran Torino: Maybe you should start treating it like more of a quirk than a special attack.

As Gran Torino left the room I began wondering about what he said.

As I thought back to how Nana fought the Nomu at USJ, she didn't use One For All like a special move, it was more was already present all over her body.

Bingo, Maybe I should stop using One For All as a special attack and let it spread throughout my whole body, that way One For All will always be activated in me.

I then began to let One For All course through my whole body causing (f/c) lightning to circulate my whole body and hero costume.

Woah, this was a big step forward to mastering One For All.

I couldn't wait to show Nana.

My Hero Shimura ( Nana Shimura x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now