Y/N vs Chisaki

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I eventually reached the end of the underground tunnel to the sight of Chisaki walking with who I assumed to be Eri.

Chisaki: So I guess you defeated Flect Turn, impressive but all you heroes will meet the same doomed fate.

Y/N : Hand over Eri to me now.

Chisaki: Just who do you think you are.

I sprinted towards Chisaki and tried landing a blow on him but he dodged my attack and touched the ground with his bare hands causing a pillar to form from it and collide with me.

This sent me staggering back in pain as I remembered that Endeavor and Hawks warned me about his quirk.

Chisaki : Eri!! Get behind me now

The sight of Eri timidly running away from the battlefield angered me.

Y/N : You abuse and use that girl for your own personal gain like she's some object, you're pathetic.

Chisaki : I'm doing what needs to be done so I can revive the Yakuza empire!


I moved towards Chisaki swiftly and landed two mighty blows to his chest right before I punched him in the jaw which sent him flying.

Chisaki's hands made contact with the ground once again, but this time , he created dragon-like figures which all tried to smash into me.

I dodged a few before destroying the rest with one air pressure attack.

Immediately after I did this I landed a powerful blow on Chisaki's neck which sent him into the ground.

I approached Eri and tried to hold her hand but she winced in fear.

Over the past few weeks I had gotten used to how much people were scared of me.

Y/N : Don't worry, I'm here to save you.

I removed my mask which showed Eri my true face, this seemed to convince her enough for her to hide behind me as Chisaki got up.


Chisaki used his quirk to turn most of the ground into a giant cement dragon that motioned to devour me and injure Eri.

Luckily, I grabbed Eri and with one air pressure attack, took the both of us back onto the surface with ease since the building's ceilings had been destroyed.

I tied Eri onto my back using a torn piece of my clothing before a thought began to cloud my mind.

Wait a minute, that air pressure attack wasn't that powerful to send us back onto the surface.

Maybe it was since I went beyond 100%, but that didn't make sense since my bones would have been destroyed but they're still perfectly intact.

Wait a minute, all my injuries had disappeared.

I turned to Eri and asked her the question that wouldn't leave my mind.

Y/N : So is this your quirk Eri, is it healing?

Right after I said this, I felt a weird pain in my chest as Chisaki emerged from underground and onto the surface.

Chisaki: Her quirk is called rewind, she can rewind anything she touches, but she can't control it, which means that in a few minutes, you'll turn back to what you came from.

I glared at Chisaki before he continued.

Chisaki : The only way to stop it is if I dismember her, her quirk really is a curse.


I turned to Eri who seemed to have tears running down her face.

Y/N : It seems to me that your quirk is a blessing.

What I said seemed to have cheered Eri up which was good news to me.

If Eri was currently using her rewind quirk to rewind me, than I just need to injure myself faster than she can rewind me which means that she'll be able to rewind my injuries instead of my body as a whole.

This also meant that I could use beyond a 100% of my power in my fight against the enemy.

Just as I finished this thought, Chisaki used his quirk to merge his body with one of his unconscious goons.


I charged at Chisaki and began moving faster than his eyes could perceive.

I began landing powerful blows on his body from numerous directions which all seemed to wear him down.

I then landed one powerful jab that sent shockwaves and knocked him out cold.

I turned to Eri with a weak smile on my face.

Y/N : You have nothing to worry about, you're safe now.

Suddenly, I felt the same weird pain in my chest but this time it was more agonizing which caused me to scream in pain.

This was probably due to Eri's rewind quirk.

Luckily, Hawks and Endeavor arrived with Aizawa at the scene who was able to erase her quirk just enough to stop the effects of rewind.

Even though Aizawa only had one eye after the events of the war, he was still really helpful.

I'm just glad that I was able to be Eri's hero just like Nana is a hero to me.

My Hero Shimura ( Nana Shimura x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now