USJ Aftermath

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Two days had passed since the USJ attack and UA students and their parents alike were afraid if a situation like that repeated itself.

Luckily most of the injured teachers like Aizawa were making a recovery.

Also, it wasn't long before the body of the Nomu that Nana fought was recovered and taken into custody to be experimented on.

Because of this, it didn't take long before this event spread all over news and media with thousands of people questioning the safety of the students within UA.

Principal Nezu addressed the public and assured them that UA would drastically improve their security measures but some people still weren't convinced.

Today, Nana texted me and told me to meet her at the city beach which wasn't very far from where I lived.

When I arrived, I immediately took notice of Nana in civilian clothes.

She looked as beautiful as she did in her hero costume.

Y/N : Hey Nana

Nana : Hey Y/N, how have you been doing after the USJ attack.

Y/N : I've fully recovered thanks to recovery girl so you don't need to worry about me.

Nana sighed before she looked me dead in the eyes with a serious expression on her face.

The next thing I felt was a slap across the face which caught me off guard causing me to fall backwards.

Nana : Back at USJ, I told you to leave but instead you went against my orders and stayed which was extremely dangerous. What would have happened if you...

I noticed Nana trailed off not wanting to finish off her sentence, before her smile re appeared on her face.

Nana : But I guess that's a risk we heroes have to take everyday.

Nana immediately wrapped her arms around me in a warm embrace.

Nana : After all, medaling with matters you're not supposed to is one of the qualities of a hero.

I honestly loved feeling her warm embrace, it was so comforting.

Y/N : Thank you, Nana

Nana then helped me up on my feet before responding.

Nana : But there's something else I wanted to tell you

Nana's face went serious once again before I responded.

Y/N : Yeah sure, what is it.

Nana : Two years ago, a man called All For One used to rule Japan from the shadows. Not many people knew about him except for his disciples and previous One For All users who were mostly killed by him.

My eyes widened in shock at the sudden realization.

Nana : After he found out that I was the 7th user of One For All, he made it his goal to ruin my life even going as far as killing my brother and his wife, making their children Tenko and Hana orphans.

Y/N : What happened to them, are they alright.

Nana : I took them in for a while but then...I abandoned them, I left them at an orphanage far away from my place of residence because I didn't want them to get involved in all of this and suffer the same fate as their parents.

Y/N : I'm sorry

Nana : Don't be, it's not your fault it's mine, now that I think about it I don't even know where they are in life right now, I just hope they're okay.

I noticed the tears forming around her eyes before she wiped them away.

Nana had always been there to comfort me in my time of need so now it was time for me to do the same.

I embraced Nana in a hug and wrapped my arms around her much to her surprise.

Y/N : Don't beat yourself up for it, you sent them away to protect them and prevent them from ending up like their parents so don't blame yourself.

I felt Nana hug me back and held me tight against her as she began crying.

Nana : Thank you Y/N

Y/N I smiled at her before replying.

Y/N : Anytime Nana

After she wiped her tears she began explaining All For One to me once more.

Nana : Soon after I sent Tenko and Hana away, I had a brutal confrontation with All For One which left me a scar right above the side of my waist that only him and I know about.

Nana then pulled up her shirt, showcasing the thick X-like scar on her body.

Nana : When I was fighting the Nomu, it seemed as though it knew exactly were this scar was and sunk its fingers onto it.

Y/N : So are you saying--

Nana : --All For One was probably behind the USJ attack and unfortunately someday you may have to face him with or without my help.

Y/N : But Nana, till that day comes, I'll keep training with you and make sure I'm prepared to take him on.

Nana smiled at my statement and stared at me for a brief moment amused.

Y/N : Oh and Nana, during my fight with the Nomu, I realized that the arm I used with the power of One For All wasn't as injured as it was supposed to be even though I used it with full power.

Nana thought about what I just said before responding.

Nana : Y/N, this is amazing, this most likely means that your body's evolving, making sure it's capable of handling the power of One For All.

Y/N : Oh really, that means--

Nana : --You'll be able to use One For All at full power without injuring your body at all in a few months or a years time.

This was great news, the sooner I got ready to take on All For One, the better.

My Hero Shimura ( Nana Shimura x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now