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I looked over to Shigaraki once again but this time, All For One was seemingly growing from the side of his body, just like in the Vestige world.

Does this mean we're in the vestige world?

No, that couldn't be, this place seems different but I can tell that we are definitely in some sort of mental realm.

After all, One For All did come from All For One , which meant that One For All users were always connected to All For One in some kind of way.

And it seemed like Shigaraki has a part of All For One in his psyche, which means that I'm connected to him too.

This also explains the strange feeling I felt right before the War on UA began.

Y/N : Where are we All For One!!

All For One grinned menacingly before responding.

AFO : You could say that were at the place where your two psyche's connect thanks to the connection of One For All to me.

Just as I walked towards him, a flash of lightning appeared and I found myself standing in front of Kyushu Orphanage.

Wait a minute, isn't this the orphanage Nana sent Shigaraki to when he was a kid.

Immediately after, I entered the building swiftly and tried asking the people around me what year it had been, but it seemed as though they couldn't hear, touch or see me.

As I carried on walking around the orphanage I noticed a young Tenko Shimura run past me with Hana.

Was Shigaraki's past playing right before my eyes.

All For One did say that we were in the place where our two psyche's connect which meant that this is Shigaraki's memories of the past.

The more I began to follow Tenko and Hana the more I got used to the feeling of basically being a ghost, but what I learned while following them shocked me.

The orphanage staff was horrible and treated the children with quirks more fairly then the quirkless ones.

At this point in time, Tenko didn't unlock his quirk yet so he was considered quirkless and was treated horribly along with Hana.

I hated the sight of children being mistreated and I also despised the unfair treatment of quirkless people.

I was quirkless once upon a time.

Soon after this, even Hana betrayed Tenko and pinned the blame on him for snooping around the Staff office.

This caused the Staff to physically abuse and torture him which I found very hard to watch.

It was almost as if I could feel all the emotions Tenko was having in this memory which made my experience even more disturbing.

What I considered to be the worst part of it all was that Tenko still held onto hope that Nana or another pro hero would return to him and save him.

If Pro Heroes can't even save one kid, how are they expected to save the world.

Shortly after this event, Tenko was playing with one of the pet dogs that belonged to the Orphanage.

While all this was happening, he began to itch himself vigorously and the only emotion I felt from him was hatred.

A moment later, his decay quirk activated and caused the dog to break apart and decay instantly.

This horrified Tenko as he never expected this to happen, but what took place after this was even more disturbing.

Hana came out of her room to apologize for pinning the blame on him earlier but when he ran to her for help and tried to hold her hand, she decayed as well.

Tenko then fell to the ground in shock and once his hand touched the floor, the whole orphanage and everyone inside it except for him decayed and broke apart.

Just then, another flash of lightning appeared and I found myself standing in front of Shigaraki once more, still shaken by his past.

I would never wish that experience on anyone or any child.

Y/N : Shigaraki, I just witnessed your past, I know the pain you went through--


Y/N : I know how you felt back then and how you were wrongly treated.

Shigaraki: So just because you know my feelings you think that we can just talk and make up, truly pathetic.

After a moment of silence, I responded to Shigaraki as I looked him dead in the eyes.

Y/N : There was no hero to save you back then...But there is now.

My statement seemed to shock him and even All For One.


Today, I intended on fulfilling the promise I made to Nana.

Today I would save him.

My Hero Shimura ( Nana Shimura x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now