No Pain No Gain

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Nana : How silly of me, I don't even know your name. (She says chuckling)

Y/N : Oh, it's Y/N L/N

Nana : Well then Y/N L/N, it's a pleasure to meet you

I immediately bowed my head in front of her as a sign of my gratitude and respect.

Y/N : Thank you, thank you so much!

Nana smiled and chuckled before responding.

Nana : No need for such formality Y/N.

I nodded before Nana continued.

Nana : There's something I need to tell you, before I can give you the power of One For All, you must first train your body to withstand it's power. Otherwise your limbs would explode. (smiling)

My limbs would explode, how powerful is One For All.

After a moment I  gave her my response.

Y/N : Of course, Mighty Heroine

Nana : please, call me Nana

For the second time today I felt my cheeks heat instantly after hearing this.

Nana : We can begin training first thing tomorrow.

Y/N : sure thing (nervously)

That day, once I got home my parents scolded me for coming home late which I really didn't care about.

But that night I had a dream that I was the world's greatest hero. Sounds more realistic now that after I train I will receive One For All.

The next morning I got out of bed and completed my morning routine.

My parents were already at work so I decided to get out of the house and take a breath of fresh air.

To my surprise I found Nana arrive at my doorstep, dressed in her hero costume with a beaming smile on her face.

Nana : Are you ready to begin training.

Y/N : Oh, Mighty Heroine-- I mean Nana, I didn't expect you to be this early, not that it's a problem.

Nana chuckled before responding

Nana : Then let's get going

I then realized Nana gestured for me to hop on her back, probably before she takes off so I did what she expected me to do causing a smirk to form on her face.

Nana : You better hold on tight.

A second later Nana took of into the air with me holding onto her for dear life.

I had never experienced being on someone's back while they take off.

Once we landed in front of what seemed to be an empty gym I immediately hurled into the nearest dustbin which made Nana laugh.

Now that I think about it, I actually loved the sound of her laughter.

Nana: You really are something else aren't you Y/N.

I chuckled and scratched the back of my head in embarrassment.

Nana : I promise to be more careful next time.

I smiled back at Nana letting her know that it was alright.

Nana : Now then, welcome to my personal gym, the place where I will be training you and preparing your body to handle the power of One For All.

Y/N : Woah, I guess being a pro does come with more pro's than cons.

For the next 3 months I trained with Nana day after day tirelessly and during this period of time we actually learned more about each other.

For instance, I found out that Nana's favorite food is actually Kare-Raisu and her favorite type of tv shows are actually soap operas.

But at last the day finally came when Nana would give me the power of One For All.

It was on a Tuesday morning and I had just arrived at Nana's personal gym to meet with her.

Nana : Y/N you've finally made it through your first 3 months of training. I'm proud at how much you've achieved during this period of time and how much physical pain you've endured, after all no pain no gain.

Y/N : Thank you so much Nana! Without you I don't think I would've been able to make it.

Nana smiled at me as a response.

Nana : Y/N, before I hand you the power of One For All there's someone I want you to meet first.

Y/N : Oh really, is he another pro-hero

Nana: Yes and a close friend of mine.

Y/N : Then I look forward to meeting him.

After me and Nana arrived at Central Park, she finally introduced me to her close friend.

Nana's POV

Nana : Y/N meet a pro hero and a close friend of mine Gran Torino!(cheerfully)

After what I said I notice Y/N try to bow to Sorahiko (Gran Torino) respectfully but ends up falling forwards in the process.

I chuckle at the scene of this as Sorahiko pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs.

Sorahiko: So is this the successor of yours you told me about?

Nana : Yep, he truly has potential.

I smile at Y/N as he finally gets up on his feet and extends a hand to Sorahiko.

Y/N : Its nice to meet you Gran Torino sir.

Sorahiko seems skeptical at first but eventually shakes hands with Y/N.

Sorahiko: So you're Y/N L/N, the successor to Nana Shimura, why do you want to become a hero.

I notice Y/N play with his fingers before responding which I found cute.

Y/N : To become the symbol of hope and peace and show the world that there are still good people out there and that hope will always be present amongst ourselves.

Sorahiko chuckles before turning to me.

Sorahiko: You know he sounds just like you... Well then I'll leave you to it.

Nana : I guess I'll be seeing you Sorahiko.

I turn to Y/N as Sorahiko leaves.

Nana : Its time Y/N

I then pluck out a strand of my hair and hand it to a confused looking Y/N.

Nana : Y/N L/N I bestow the power of One For All onto you.

Y/N : Wait , so is One For All--

Nana : -- it's passed onto user to user through DNA so that's why I have to give you a strand of my hair ( Smiling)

Y/N takes the strand of my hair and swallows it whole.

Nana : Y/N, you are now the 8th user of One For All.

My Hero Shimura ( Nana Shimura x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now