UA Vs All For One

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After my statement I smiled at Nana reassuringly before she responded.

Nana : Y/N, as much as I'm happy that you're here, you have to stop All For One from getting to the meteor that can grant and take away quirks, it's being kept inside one of his lairs behind us.

After I nodded at her I turned to notice a large building miles away from behind us.

Y/N : Don't worry, you can count on us Nana.

Soon after, some UA students helped Endeavor and the other injured heroes we all charged forward at the symbol of fear.

AFO : This will be interesting

Once the UA students and I got close to him we began to use our quirks to do some damage on him, but this didn't last since he used a wind quirk to send us flying back.

As I got up on my feet, I noticed that this seemed to anger Shoto.


Shoto then sprinted towards All For One and hit him with a powerful fire and ice blast.

AFO : You wannabe heroes should stop your futile attempts at stopping me.

Much to my surprise, Momo fired a canon ball at at All For One using a canon that she created with her quirk.

We made sure to not give him a chance to recover so Tokoyami unleashed one of his strongest Dark Shadow attack while the rest of us combined our own quirks to strengthen the attack which actually managed to damage on the enemy.

Once the dust cleared, All For One stood on the battlefield heavily injured.

AFO : I'm surprised at how strong all of you are, I've clearly underestimated you...GET OUT OF MY WAY!!

All For One used one of his quirks to create a tornado that swept all of us on the battlefield into different directions.

Next, he began to hurry towards the building that contained the quirk meteor.

Damn, this is bad, I won't allow him to get to it.

I charged towards All For One with great speed and landed a powerful jab on him which sent him staggering back.

Y/N : Your not getting past me.

AFO : We'll see about that L/N.

All For One charged at me and landed a powerful punch on my stomach that manged to do some damage.

Luckily, I reacted quickly and countered this with a powerful kick to his face right before I headbutted him which caused massive shockwaves.

AFO : You're actually starting to get on my nerves boy.

I chuckled at this and responded cheekily.

Y/N : What's wrong, has the symbol of fear finally met his match?

AFO chuckled menacingly before responding.

All For One: I don't think so.

Just as the UA students began to rush to my aid, an army of Nomu's emerged and broke out from the ground beneath us.


As I was distracted by the Nomu's that began to attack the UA students, All For One used this chance to land two mighty blows on my body right before he sent a massive energy blast onto me.

I knew I didn't have time to reel from my injuries, so I got up from the ground and landed 3 powerful blows onto All For One's face which broke his life support mask.

Just as I motioned to land the finishing blow, a dozen of Nomu's all grabbed a hold of me, preventing me from moving.


The symbol of fear took advantage of this and stabbed me with his rivet blades before landing a blow so powerful that sent me painfully into the ground and almost knocked me out.

As I tried getting up, I realized that I was too weak to do so.

Y/N : Damnit!! I have to stop him!

While most of the pro's and UA students fought off the Nomu's, All For One made his way towards the building that contained the quirk meteor.

No, No , No, I can't allow the first future Nighteye saw to become reality.

Just as this happened, Endeavor with only one arm present on his body approached me hastily.

Endeavor: I know that what I'm about to do will probably not be enough to stop him but it will surely weaken him...

What was he talking about?

Endeavor: So you make sure to beat him for me, and tell Shoto that I'm sorry and that even though I could've been a better father, I'm proud of who he has become.

Endeavor then sprinted forward and managed to get in front of All For One.

AFO : What exactly does a one armed man plan to do!?

Endeavor glared at the symbol of fear before charging up his body with crimson flames that also set the battlefield ablaze.


Endeavor then exploded into flames that were so powerful it burned most of the battlefield and set most Nomu's on fire.

The explosion then intensified as a bright blinding light appeared due to it.

Was this the end?

My Hero Shimura ( Nana Shimura x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now