USJ Attack P.t 3

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Shigaraki immediately began itching his body vigorously once again as soon as he saw Nana stepped into the battlefield.

I noticed something different about Nana, this time, she wasn't smiling and had a fierce look on her face.

Nana then turned to the other Class 1A students.

Nana : Everyone leave immediately and help the injured if you can, while I deal with the threat at hand.

The students obeyed and began leaving through where Nana had broken the entrance door down.

I noticed Shoto carry Aizawa on his back as he soon began to leave.

Shoto : Lets leave this to the pro's .

Bakugo reluctantly agreed and left with Shoto.

Shigaraki : So the heroic piece of scum finally arrives. I've been waiting for this moment for a long time.

Shigaraki placed his hand on the ground causing the whole battlefield to break apart and shatter.

Before any harm was done to me Nana immediately came to my rescue and landed with me on safe ground.

Nana : Y/N, are you alright

I noticed that even though Nana was asking me a question, her eyes were still fixed on Shigaraki.

Y/N : I'll manage, don't worry about me

Nana finally turned to me with her smile briefly appearing in her face.

Nana : Everything will be alright--

Shigaraki: --Oh how I hate you Nana Shimura!!!! You call yourself a hero but you're nothing but trash!!

Kurogiri then used his teleportation quirk to teleport the Nomu right Infront of Nana.

Nana : Y/N, get out of here now!!

The Nomu than launched it's fist at Nana but she managed to block the powerful punch that sent shockwaves with her hand.

Y/N : But I can't just leave--

Nana : I said go NOW!!! trust me Y/N.

I didn't want to leave but I knew I had to since I would become more of a burden to her than help at the moment so I sprinted towards the entrance.

As soon as I heard another shockwave I stopped in my tracks and turned to see what was going on.

Guess after all, I couldn't leave.

Nana's POV

I sent the creature Infront of me staggering back with a right jab, causing another shockwave. I noticed the boy with white hair itch his body uncontrollably which I found odd.

Shigaraki: Mighty Heroine!! There's no way you can beat my Nomu, it has shock absorption and regeneration so the more power you put into your attacks the stronger it gets!!

Immediately after that I noticed the Nomu charge at me and manage to land a powerful blow on me that sent me flying backwards.

This wasn't gonna be easy. But I had to try. Y/N and the other students are depending on me.

I sprinted towards the Nomu and with the power of One For All and began to punch at it full speed.

The Nomu retaliated and began doing the same but his punches were random as for mine, they were precise.

Soon our punches began to cause tremors across the area damaging the USJ building even more.

The Nomu's quirk was shock absorption and regeneration so it had to have a limit to how much it could take so I began using 75% of my power and landed a blow that sent him flying towards the boy with white hair.

Shigaraki: Kurogiri now!!

Kurogiri: Yes master Shigaraki

The purple and black figure then transported The Nomu behind me, giving it a chance to sink its fingers into my waist violently and flip my body backwards and into the ground.

???: Nana!!!

Even though I was in great pain, recognized that voice from anywhere. What the hell was Y/N still doing here.

I saw Y/N land a powerful blow to the Nomu's face sending a shockwave which seemed to stun it.

Nana : I thought I told you to get out of here!!

Y/N : I'm sorry but I couldn't just leave you in a time of need.

I began to groan in pain as I realized the blood pouring from my body which was an injury caused by the Nomu.

Surprisingly that was the least of my worries as I didn't want Y/N anywhere near the battlefield because it was tok dangerous.

The Nomu recovered and tried punching Y/N but I landed a kick which sent it a few meters back.

Nana : It looks like that Nomu creature is finally reaching it's limit.

I sighed realizing that Y/N could actually help me.

Nana : Y/N let's do this together

Y/N : Of course Nana, it would be an honor.

We both raced towards the Nomu and began landing powerful blows on it's body.

Y/N managed to land an uppercut on its jaw, stunning it once more, giving me a chance to hit it faster than it could regenerate.

The Nomu was sent flying through the air due to my attacks giving me a chance to land one final blow as it began to plummet into my direction.

Nana : Y/N, get out of her now!! This time I seriously mean it.

Y/N reluctantly agreed realizing what I was about to do and with the speed of One For All he sprinted out of the USJ building.

Right before the Nomu plummeted to the ground I used 100% of my power to land the final blow which sent it flying out of the area.

Finally it was defeated.

I then noticed The purple and black figure begin to teleport him and the boy with white hair somewhere unknown.

Shigaraki: see you soon, Nana Shimura.

The both of them disappeared due to what seemed to be a teleportation quirk.

I was glad that this was finally over and more importantly, Y/N was safe.

Authors Note

Hey guys , hope you enjoyed the chapter.

While I was writing this chapter and the two chapters before , I wanted to do something different with the USJ Attack so I hope it turned out good.

Hope you enjoy your day, till the next chapter update✌️

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